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It's a part two of Dear Space Family!

-Third Person-

Everyone was at the dining table eating and laughing together having no idea what was going on in Lances room. Keith noticed that the blue paladin was missing from the table just now as his seat was empty.

"Hey guys do you know where Lance is?"Keith asked the others stopped talking and shook their heads.

"I haven't seen him since breakfast,"Shiro said to the red paladin.

"Now that you mention it I haven't seen him either,"Pidge said. Keith was getting a little worried now.

"Maybe we should go check on him,"Hunk suggested to them as they all nodded. All of them got up and walked towards Lances room. When they got there Hunk knocked on the door.

"Lance? Buddy you okay in there?"No reply.

"Lance you in there?"No reply. Keith knocked on the door harder now even more worried.

"Lance open up the door!"Nothing no sound. Keith turned to Pidge.

"Pidge can you hack Lances door so it'll open?" Pidge nodded and got out her laptop and started to type some things then the door opens.

"Lance you in h-AHHH!"Hunk screamed so loud you could hear it from all around the castle.

"Hunk what's wrong?!"Pidge runs in to see Hunk shaking and pointing to the corner of the room.

When everyone came in the room time just stopped for everyone.

A lifeless Lance was there in the corner. In his hand was his bayard, a hole in his head, and dry tear marks ok his face. He shot himself when no one was around so he did it at dinner when everyone would be too busy talking to notice the sound of his bayard go off.

Keiths POV

No one said anything because there was nothing to say...Lance is gone and it's all our fault if we had noticed it then this wouldn't have happened. No one dared to go near the body of the blue paladin. Hunk and Pidge were holding onto each other, bawling their eyes out. Shiro was just in shock and didn't move. Coran was hugging Allura as she was crying. I know I was crying, but not as much as they were, but I know I will when I'm in my room.

"G-Guys t-there's a n-note,"Hunk shakily picks up the piece of paper next to Lance and reads it out loud.

{No I'm not doing the letter again}

I cried harder now and I didn't care that they were there I didn't care anymore because nothing mattered. Lance loved me and I loved him, but I was always afraid to tell him and I was horrible at showing my feelings I'm such an IDIOT. If I wasn't scared to tell Lance my feelings then he would have felt loved he would still be here and he would have been mine.

"G-Guys w-what do we d-do now?"Pidge stuttered.

"We're going to have a new blue paladin to form Votron,"Allura said I could tell that she hated saying it, but we knew she was right. But I couldn't except it not yet.

"No! We can't just replace Lance he was our sharpshooter our friend a part of us we can't just replace him like that!"I yelled back at Allura.

"Keith I know this is hard for you it's hard for all us, but we don't have a choice Keith,"Shiro said calmly.

"No! No one can ever replace Lance I won't allow it!"Then I ran into my room and sit on my bed.

"Idiot if you have noticed sooner then this would have happened,"I covers my face with my hands and start to cry again.

No one can replace Lance

I just wished he knew that


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