You ok Lance?

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Lance wasn't having a very good day.

He hasn't been eating for a while now and he's been yelled at from the rest of the team for stuff he didn't even do so that's already a great start!

He doesn't hang out with Hunk anymore since he's always busy now with Pidge talking about science stuff that Lance didn't want to talk about because they would just be annoyed with his presence there.

Shiro and Allura are always talking about what to do about Zarcon and there plan of attack. Coran has been there for Lance, but Lance doesn't really talk anymore to anyone.

Don't get him started on Keith. They're rivals and Keith is the team member that hates Lance the most. Ever since they been together as a team everyday they fight with each other, but now Keith doesn't even see Lance anymore.

Lance was in his room and decided that he'll eat for today since he's not totally depressed and doesn't mind seeing the rest of the team. So he got out of bed and headed for the kitchen.

Lance didn't see anyone in the kitchen when he got there so that was good. He got a plate and put some food goo on it, but not a lot of it. He headed his way to the table when suddenly tripped and fell and the food goo when everywhere. What didn't help was that what the food goo landed on was Keiths head.

Lance saw Keith covered with the food goo and quickly got up and apologized to him, "I-I'm sorry Keith I wasn't watching where I was going so I tripped and the food goo landed on your head please don't hurt me!"

Keith just sighed and took it out of his hair and threw it away then walked back to Lance, "1. Lance I'm not going to hurt you 2. Next time when you fall make sure I'm not in the room and 3. Why are you out here eating? You didn't come down for breakfast."

Lance was shocked at Keiths tone of voice. He usually yells and screams at Lance for things he's done and sometimes just yell at him for something he hasn't done, but it was nice seeing a little change.

"Oh um I'm hungry now so I thought that I would get a little something to eat,"Lance lied. He's been starving for weeks and he finally got something to eat.

"You should get something bigger since I haven't seen you eat this week,"Lance froze for a second and stared at Keith he...noticed? Lance put his head down and just nodded at the paladin.

Keith grabbed Lances hand with one hand and the other lifting Lance's head up to Keith, "Lance please eat I don't want you to starve yourself anymore."

Lance was shocked at Keith's actions and just nodded again at him. Keith smiled warmly at the blue paladin knowing that he would have to check up on him every day now to make sure he's eating.

"T-Thanks for caring Keith, but I don't think I can eat that much I-I might barf or something like Hunk," Lance said as he avoided eye contact with the other paladin.

Keith thought for a moment and nodded he didn't want to give Lance large meals when he's barely eating anything it might make him sick and Keith didn't want that.

"Ok, then let's try something small,"Keith got a little plate of food goo and gave it to Lance.

Lance thanked Keith and started to eat. It took Lance a bit to finish it all because even a small portion that Keith gave him can fill him up.

Keith smiled and hugged Lance knowing that this was the first step of Lance recovering, but before Lance could hug back everything went black.

And Lance woke up.

Lance groaned and looked at his surroundings.

'Still a prisoner of Zarcon great'Lance thought and sighed.

He's been here for a while now exactly 86 days he's been Zarcons prisoner and every night he had the same memory.

The one he cherished the most because it was the one where someone didn't hate him for a second, but now that person is gone and probably forming Voltron to save another planet.

He knew his team wouldn't come for him, but then then he still didn't tell the witch anything about Voltron not even once because if he wasn't a good paladin maybe he could be a good friend and protect his team even if they don't know it

And if they did what would Lance think?

They finally came!

They do care about me!

They haven't forgotten about me!

They think I'm important!



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