Blue Rose

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{Mk I would do this but THIS NOT SAD so this is sad version you're welcome}


"Hey Lance if you could make anything real what would you do?,"Hunk asked his friend

Lance thought for a moment and snapped his fingers "I would make blue roses."

"Blue roses? Why that?"Hunk was curious why he choose this.

"Because I'm so upset that my favorite color isn't on a rose just imagine if they were!"Lance said with stars in his eyes.

"Maybe one day you'll get your blue roses,"Hunk smiled not knowing that Keith was listening to the whole conversation.

Keith wanted Lance smile at Keith and give him a hug or even a kiss if he finds that blue rose for him. So he left the next day traveling through the galaxy just to find a blue rose

~Flashback end~

Years later

Keith finally found it, a blue rose! He was so happy it took him forever, but he finally did it. He could give this rose to Lance and then he would give him a big hug. Oh Keith was so excited and as soon as he found it he got one and left back to the castle.


When he reached the castle he walked in and bumped into Pidge.

"Watch where you're go- KEITH YOUR BACK!" Pidge hugs Keith tightly as Keith chuckled.

"It's good to see you too Pidge,"Keith smiled snd then was getting dragged by Pidge to the main deck.

Hunk was talking to Coran. Shiro and Allura were seeing where the Galra were. Pidge was jumping up and down like she was in a sugar rush.

"Pidge calm down. Why are you do ex-"Shiro stopped his sentence and his jaw dropped it was Keith. Right in front of him!

"Keith you're back!"Shiro hugged Keith very tightly and soon everyone else joined it.

Keith smiled and noticed that Lance wasn't in the room, "Hey guys where's Lance?"

And with that the teams faces dropped like if they weren't just hugging Keith to death with the biggest smiles on their faces.

"Keith um Lance is dead,"Hunk said not even looking at Keith, but instead the floor.

Keiths heart dropped, "W-What?"

"After you left we were all so worried especially Lance. It's like he wasn't functioning right. Then one day we went to a Galra base so Pidge can get some information for us. Lance was with Hunk protecting Pidge, but was caught off guard by a Galra crew member and died,"Shiro explained to the red paladin.

"No no no no no no! He can't be dead I needed him. I needed him to be alive so I can give him this,"Keith slowly took out the blue rose and Hunk was in shock.

" heard our conversation,"Hunk remembered the day he asked Lance that question.

"I wanted to surprise him and give him this,"Keith was sobbing now knowing that he failed his quest of giving Lance the rose and his reward of the hug he wanted.

Hunk patted Lances back, "You wanna go see him?" Keith nodded and followed Hunk to a room where Lances gravestone was.

Keith slowly walked to it trying hard to to ball his eyes out. He couldn't in front of Lance.

"H-Hey Lance its m-me Keith you know y-your rival? Anyways I overheard you saying that you were upset that they didn't have roses in your favorite color so I went and got one for you I hope you l-like it,"Keith put the rose next the the gravestone and Keith just couldn't take it anymore.

He cried

He cried and cried in front of Lance he was so ashamed, but he couldn't help it I mean what would you do if you were in Keith shoes?

And maybe this could have all been avoided if

Keith didn't get the blue rose


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