Everything is different

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Lance POV:

You see it's weird one second you're part of this awesome team with amazing teammates and you're doing something important, but then one day everything just changes.

Shiro went missing and then Keith was the black paladin, I'm with Red, and Allura is with Blue. I'm still getting used to this new change.

Besides the new lion everything still seems tense.  Yeah sure we got Shiro back, but he doesn't seem the same and what will we do when he gets Black back?

Does everyone go back to their original lion or stays the same. But it just doesn't add up at all.

I mean I know I'm not good at math, but still!

It's nothing like I remember. This isn't the Space Family I know and love with all my heart.

Because everything is different and I don't know what to do about it! I sometimes tell Hunk about it, but to be honest I barely talk to him.

He's been hanging out with Pidge a lot now talking about science things that I don't really understand so that's a no go. I don't really feel comfortable talking with Shiro still, Coran and Allura are being a bit more strict now and I don't want to upset them so I don't try with them.

And Keith...

Keith is doing something important right now, he's with the blades. I mean sure I'm happy I'm still on the team, but since the roles shifted it feels weird and not right.

I would joke and try to talk to the team sometimes, but after them ignoring me for the most part I kinda just stopped. I mean what was the point?

The team that I knew was gone and I can't do anything about it and when I try to I make it worse so either way I still have to sit on the side while everyone just moves on.

Maybe I should too, but I don't want to.

I just want my Space Family back.


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