The Losers...

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A/N: Now that you think about it...They kinda are losers...Like Stephen King's Loser Club from the movie IT...

Shiho: He would be the freak of the group...He likes gothic things and wears a lot dark clothing. He would be the perfect subject of a loner.

Jun: He would be called the slut...Due to him being perverted. He would get a lot of bad comments and rumors spread around at school....

Kanra: Almost like Jun, the other girls would make fun of her for trying to stand out. She would be called an wannabe person...She also whines and cries a lot so she can also be dubbed 'Crybaby'.

Chieko: He would be the geek...He likes anime and comic books. He is also a bit of a nuisance.

Baru: He would be the weirdo of the group. He is different in every way as he doesn't stand out more. Plus. He's a dragon with a group of demons (and a human girl). So that would make a little sense.

Yui: Sadly...She would be called the bitch of the group...Reason: (Look up her fandom in Diabolik Lovers...) Nickname: Bitch-Chan....

Danny: He is the nerd...He says 'Ehhh' a lot and is very smart to talk about his Canadian History. A lot of people would find him boring and have an excuse to bully him...

And there you have it... You're very own Loser Club...

Shiho: Hey...Why do we have to be losers...That's not nice...


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