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A/N: Fuyumi wants to be the only special sibling in the family.

Shiho: Hehehe. Here you go~! -Gives him a snack-

Gilbert: Yay! Nom nom nom!


Gilbert: What?

Fuyumi: -Shoots him-

Gilbert: Aah?! -K.O-

Shiho: WAAAH?! Fuyumi what the fuck?!

Fuyumi: Only I can be the special sibling Onii-chan!

Shiho: W-What are you even talking about?!

Sylvia: Hey Big Brother, what-?!

Fuyumi: Hehehe. Time for murder~!

Shiho: Run Sylvia run! Fuyumi gone crazy!

Fuyumi: -Points demon blaster-

Sylvia:..... SHIT!

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