Alola Campers

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Victini: Hello viewers. This is called Total Drama Pokemon. n this show there will be fifteen contestants competing on an island to win the ultimate prize of one million dollars! I am your host Victini and your watching Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song plays; Dock)

Victini: This is the dock, where the contestants will arrive. (Whistles) Any minute now...

Lapras: (Rides in the first three contestants)

Snivy: I didn't sign up for this. Sigh.

Meowth: This place looks like a dump.

Cubone: ...

Victini: Does he talk?

Snivy: Not really.

Vitini: Oh. Okay. Also I should probably say if the Pokemon is a boy or a girl. Snivy is a girl. Meowth and Cubone are boys. From now on I'll just say if they are girls since there are more boys.

Lapras: (Pills up Frogadier and Braixen as they are kissing) Get off. (They continue to kiss)

Snivy: Sigh.

Victini: (Pulls out megaphone) STOP KISSING AND GET ON THE ISLAND!!!

Braixen: Oh sorry. (Gets off)

Frogadier: (Gets off)

Victini: And here come the next three! Flareon and Vaporeon are
girls. Jolteon is a boy. They are all siblings.

Flareon: Hey! Don't I look totally cute today. (Gasps) They should call this show Total Cute Island!

Victini: No.

Jolteon: See what I have to deal with every day?

Vaporeon: Sadly I have to too.

Victini: LAPRAS!

Lapras: Okay. (Pulls up Mincinno, Zorua, Litten, and Porygon)

Mincinno: Hey members of my nation! It's our time to be! We're on a TV show! Be happy!

Porygon: What's a TV?

Litten: Oh no.

Zorua: (Pushes Litten)

Litten: Ow.

Zorua: I did so NOT want to be here.

Victini: Oh well. Too bad. By the way Mincinno and Zorua are female. Also the last three should be here in a few...

Lapras: Here! (Dumps off Togepi, Pikachu, and Eevee)

Victini: Eevee is a girl.

Eevee: Duh.

Togepi: Yeeee!

Pikachu: Settle down bro.

Togepi: Sorry. I am just so Happiny! Get it?

Pikachu: Oh come on we don't need another Popplio/Chatot.

Eevee: What?

Pikachu: Nothing.

Victini: Now that we are all here come and follow me to the cafeteria so you guys can meet our chef!

Litten: Yeah, okay whatever.

Victini: I better not here anymore sass from your ass, do you here me?

Litten: Yeah I guess.

Victini: Good. Now let's go!

(Everyone follows Victini to the cafeteria)

Victini: This is our chef, Garboder.

Garbodor: Hey I guess.

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