chapter two

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I'm really bad at trying to be funny so I apologize for that?

Hope y'all enjoy this because I had several breakthroughs while writing it and currently have big plans for this fic


Merlin awoke the next morning dreading going to work, but rose up and out of his bed anyway. He dressed himself and ate a serving of bread and cheese to break his fast. Before he knew it, he was out of his house and making his way to the shop he worked in.

Camelot was beautiful in the morning, with the sun rising on the horizon of the citadel, and the sky painted shades of purple, orange, and blue. It would have been serene, if not for the constant hustle and bustle of the people in the city. There always seemed to be someone running off to meet someone else, to complete a job, or to get themselves somewhere. In the mornings, the scent of freshly made bread and pastries would make its way down through the entire lower town from the bakery, and it only added to the comfort that was Camelot.

Merlin greeted people as he walked through the town, as he had made quite the impression on the people since he was so kind. Gwen was also well known amongst the people, and she introduced him to everyone that she knew, as they were seen around together frequently while she wasn't working in the castle. People quickly began to recognize him and talk to him, and it was all very overwhelming in the beginning. Once he got used to it, he started to enjoy his new life, even if it did make him have to hide his magic.

He made his way to the medicinal shop he worked in and waved to the owner, Gaius, to let him know he was here before making his way to the back room to take stock. The room was a large one, covered wall to wall with shelves holding all types of products. He went through the many types of herbs and potions, making sure nothing had gone bad or been stolen overnight. After he'd finished with stock, he would have to be up in the front store to clean the floors and sell wares. It was a simple job, and though Merlin had always desired something more exciting, he was fine with doing what he had to for now in order to make a life for himself.

The day went on as smoothly as it did any other, and by early evening Gareth had left and Merlin was closing up shop after the last customer had gone. The sun was low in the sky, signaling it would be dark very soon, and after not using his magic all day, he was itching to do something with it. Trying to not look like he was about to commit a legal offense that could be punishable by death, he walked home as fast as his feet would take him; without the aid of magic, of course.

He found himself at home, and—after shutting the door—quickly flicked a finger to alight the fire, another to retrieve a pot and have it filled with water and placed on the fire, and raised his whole hand to begin the cutting of some vegetables. Letting a sigh out that felt as if it had been locked away all day, he trudged across the room and grabbed his book of magic before lying across his bed to read it. With the background sounds of water boiling and vegetables chopping, he let himself relax.

He had finished eating and was beginning to drift off when there was a bang on the door, followed by muffled voices. As it had already gone dark, he wondered what could possibly be the reason to arrive in the late evening. The door was banged on again, this time followed by a few voices.

"Open up, Royal Guard! The King of Camelot has demanded a search of the entire lower town." A stern voice yelled from the other side.

Oh, fuck. Merlin thought. If they found the book of magic he would be burned at the stake, as many like him before had been. He tensed, wondering where he could possibly hide the book so they couldn't possibly find it.

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