chapter nine

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okay here we go but first appreciate the art because it's gorgeous and creds to @MoritoAkira on deviantart

also Arthur is sappy as fuck so enjoy that

and a lot of fluff because I'm a sucker for fluff

it's tooth rotting fluff oh my god it's tooth rotting as fuck

I wanted to bang my head into a wall while writing this some of it was so difficult


Arthur pulled his cloak hood higher to cover his face, making sure to conceal himself as well as he possibly could. He walked quickly, eager to get to Merlin's home and invite him for a day out, considering his plans the time before had been so dreadfully ruined. Still, he didn't know what had happened that day, when Gwaine had forcefully dragged him away. Merlin had been home that day, and it seemed Lancelot was there as well, which only fed Arthur's curiosity. Lancelot had talked to him the night before, which only led him to believe that he, himself, may have said something to Lancelot that he would have told Merlin. Did Lancelot really want Merlin for himself that bad?

Shaking his head, Arthur tried to keep the idea from his head. No, he thought, Lancelot was a loyal knight, who wouldn't dare to try and take what his king sought after. He knew exactly how much Arthur cared for Merlin, so there was no way Lancelot wanted to take him for himself.

He shivered as a wind blew across his face, it was very, very cold, and he wondered if this was a good idea in the first place. Going out for a ride in such cold weather was never ideal, and the wetness of the little snow on the ground made it slippery for horses. He was set on it, though; he wanted to go out with Merlin, and see the smile on his face when he teased Arthur, see him laugh when Arthur made a fool of himself. Only he, of course, would be allowed to laugh at Arthur like that, because it made him look so painfully beautiful, Arthur just wanted to grab him by the neck and plant a kiss on those so very pink lips. And the idea that the snow might fall from the sky and litter little snowflakes in Merlin's hair and land on his dark eyelashes; he could only hope he'd be allowed to see such a sight.

Finally, he arrived at Merlin's door, and, holding his breath, he knocked. There was some shuffling on the other side, but Arthur figured Merlin was the only one home, so he sighed in relief. He didn't know what he would have done if either Lancelot and Gwaine had been around—run for his life, maybe. And he would take Merlin along with him, obviously.

The door opened and Arthur was greeted with the face he so desired to see every night. Merlin smiled brightly at him, with the corners of his eyes wrinkling and the blue of his irises gleaming as if Arthur was the sun in the sky. Merlin ushered him inside, before shutting the door behind him and pulling him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck while Arthur's went around his waist. Merlin rested his head on Arthur's shoulder, cuddling up to him as much as possible. It made Arthur smile harder than he was before.

He's so adorable, Arthur thought. They pulled away from each other, but Merlin took Arthur's cold hands and proceeded to warm them with his.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride?" Arthur asked, hopefully. He wouldn't mind staying inside, but he wanted to go out into the forest to experience the beauty of it in the wintertime, with Merlin.

"Oh, I would love to, Arthur, but I'm afraid I don't have my own horse." Merlin replied. Arthur's heart jumped, because he had said yes, and this gave them another opportunity. Arthur wanted to take it while he could.

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