chapter eight

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It's honestly hard to fathom that this is almost almost over

It was supposed to be short and I want to keep to that but how short is short idk

I think I'm shooting for 11-12 chapters + epilogue

also the ball of light is my favorite character and it is the most adorable thing ever and I love it


Arthur was about to fall asleep when there was a knock on his door. He lifted his head from his desk at the sound and blinked his eyes a few times to focus them. Then, he rubbed at the crusty and irritating edges of his eyes, before stretching his arms out above his head and leaning back into his seat with a yawn. His eyes fell closed again, and he sat comfortably in his chair, cushioned with the finest feathers one could have. The thoughts in his brain blacked out as he tried to make himself comfortable again.

The person at the door knocked again, only slightly louder this time. Arthur's eyes opened slowly, followed by yet another yawn, and he wondered who could possibly need something at this time of night. His subconscious came up with the idea that it could possibly be a killer, but he figured it was far too unlikely with the castle's security. He tried to wake himself a bit more by standing and walking around to the front of his desk to lean against it. Yawning again, he found it in himself somewhere to speak.

"Come." He said, and grabbed his chalice that was on top of several dozen pieces of parchments, and had left a ring stain on top of them. As he downed the cold water, his senses started coming back to him, and he heard his door open and close before steps walked toward him. Putting the chalice down, he was greeted with the sight of Lancelot in front of him. The man stood tall and portrayed an aura of confidence, as any good knight should, even when addressing their king.

Arthur refrained from flinching when he saw his knight. The fact that he had been caught by Lancelot when he was with Merlin made his stomach fill with nerves, and his heart beat quicker than it should. Would he mention it? Was he here for another reason? What if Lancelot wanted Merlin for himself, and he wanted to challenge Arthur for him? He didn't want to fight Lancelot for him, but he didn't want to give Merlin up. If only there was some way to not have to fight him...

"Sire?" Lancelot asked, now standing a few feet away from him. He seemed confused as to what Arthur had been thinking, but then his lips aligned to form a devilish smirk. "Oh, thinking about Merlin again, are we?" Which only prompted Arthur to turn red, and Lancelot chuckling at the sight. He'd never seen Arthur look so bashful or embarrassed, and the fact that Merlin could make him look like that made Lancelot think that maybe, he hadn't needed to see the king in the first place.

"Yes, Sir Lancelot?" Arthur huffed. He tried to look as casual as possible, but when he leaned back on the edge of his desk, his hand landed on a parchment. Which then caused it to slide across the smooth surface, and then Arthur was toppling over onto the floor. He laid there for a moment, after turning over onto his back, feeling the aches and pains slowly recede. Sighing, he took his knight's offered hand and stood up, mumbling about getting his servant to stack the parchments right next time.

"And I thought Merlin was clumsy, but he has nothing on that fall, sire." Lancelot snorted, but when Arthur looked at him with a glare, he shut his mouth. It didn't keep the humorous smile off his face, however.

"And I thought Gwaine was the only dim witted one around here, but it appears I was wrong." Arthur said. Lancelot faked looking taken aback, with his hand placed over his heart as he took a step back and dropped his jaw. Afterward, they burst out laughing at the action, with Arthur slapping at Lancelot's shoulder every so often. He wheezed as they laughed on, and Arthur knew that whether Lancelot had come to talk about Merlin or not, they would be fine. He would always be the equivalent to Arthur's right hand: strong, reliable, and on his side.

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