Chapter 1

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Classmates for years , but boy she hated me for centuries!!

For me , she was a normal girl , nerdy look with her glasses on , fluffy curly hair and a skin as white as snow flakes !
Well , for someone who would be looking to play with peoples's feelings , she'd make the perfect target . Even though , for me i was just waiting for friends !
God i was so alone !
I had issues myself  , i didn't like opening up to people .....well at least not anymore!
You see you can break someone bones he have plenty , you can take him limbs off : he'll live , but destroy his soul once ....! God help the person that's going to endure his rage and wrath , sad and madness , tears and solitude !
A friend is someone to open up to , to talk things through with ,the highs , the lows , someone who knows you too well with all your quirks and flaws !
But for me i can't see no one worth that anymore until she steped into my wold like a freaking hurricane !
It was a normal day , i was getting through the hall-way in school while  Steve my classmate called my name while i was passing .....well  my headphones were  on so i didn't notice that he was there ..... Turned around in his direction and here he was coming to me holding her hand like he was guiding her towards something , i didn't realise it was me back then !
I stopped trumbling at my place trying to hold my guts in front of a new person wich wasn't hard for me ! It was freaking nearly impossible !!
We were standing face to face me and this new girl while steve let her hand , hit my shoulder with that "Bro soft punch" or whatever you'd like to call it....
For me , the only scinario that could happen is that that's he's girlfriend and he's introduving me to her and i don't give a fuck and i want to get the fuck back to my class !
" Yo ! Liste up bro this girl is dope her name is Rose she's same age and i've known her since two years now she's a nice girl and a good friend and she like jokes and stuff...."
All that time i was thinking like " why should i care ? We study together and you know that i don't get well with people easely...
And straight outta nowhere i realised i'm getting fucked  when he said " oh and she's new to the school and she's in the same class with us so show her around cause i'mma go to the doc now , ok see ya bro , act normal , she likes jokes too!! ....
And he pushed her towards me  and turned his back and just walked away....
Dude you serious ?
Telling pe all that and then leaving !  , the hell should i do with her like ,,, feed her , hug her , hit her and run ??
Dude you can't torture me more than that  !!!!
I looked at him walking away and i couldn't even talk back i know for a fact anything i'd say won't make a difference until.......
I looked at her !!
Well....for a fact she was short , didn't realise that she'll reach my heart that easy back then!!
She standed there
She isn't a  fancy girl that'll look down on you that's for sure but she wan cute .......with a dangerous look !
A wierd package i know !

_ "euuu , so was is Rose you're name .....?
_" yes ! And we better go to class ! Can you lead the way please !"
...... Stepping aside next to her pointing at the classroom straight ahead we went right to class with blushy faces for no obvious reason !!
Well lucky for both of us that was the last hour of the school day so what she only did was introducing herself to the class.

But......for me i could clearly
sense that that one hour felt like decades passing for her !
Standing in front of the class to introduce herself :
Skin white turned red , i can see  her chest pumping like her heart is going to jump out of it , almost can hear her heart  beats racing and shaking like an earthquake getting faster and faster with each second , holding her hands together , knees touching and trumbling ,
She felt like she was in the hottest deepest place in hell , she wanted to flee the scene or just even that a meteor would come and crash her and spare her from her misery !
She couldn't even speak , her tongue must have felt like lifting a bolder !
And when she couldn't speak and the other girls started whispering about her and boys talking trash ......she looked at me like she was asking for help !
True that i don't trust people easly but that doesn't mean i'll let you down cause that exactly what made me lose faith in humanity !
I'll never open up to you easely but i'm nice to people and i  will never ever let them down !
So what i did was just stand up and say " shut uo andlet her speak give her a chance guys come on"
Well you'd expect that they'll mock me and tease me even.
Lucky for me i'm a big dude , my life was all about the gym and even healthy lifestyle wich i don't like to brag about or even mention but it's cool for me but i hate it when people look at me as a beast !
All in all it's a double edged sword ! Both a curse and a blessing!
So they shut it , even though i heard some saying words like freak or " the beast talked "
Wich hurts got to admit but i'd like to shove it deep inside me and keep it there .
And what hurted me more that after she introduced herself and all and at the end of the  day she just looked at me and said without letting anyone hear her
   " i didn't need your help , i was fine by my own"
      I felt that she hates me
      But still i didn't hate her.....

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