Chapter 3

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During summer i had no way to reach to her , no contact , no online texting ....none !
But it was all good since i myself didn't have much time in summer : either hitting the gym or the beach with my family or at work !
But all that time i didn't forget her ,  not one single move she did ,...
Her hair
Her face
Her wày of speaking even though we rarely spoke
But most importantly how she felt hatered towards me !
When i talked to her she would always hide from me or act like she's busy and when i comfronted her why she did that she just andwed with a tough tone while rolling her eyes
" that's me ! Live with it i don't like people and i will never change that's me i'm sorry "
Shoking for me , that's for sure .
But that's what got me more attached to her persona , i saw somethings people couldn't or they basiclly won't cause they're too busy making fun of her nerdy aspect and her over protective attitude .....
I could read beetween lines , even thin ones ....!
When she talked she was wise but scared or prejudges !
She was comfident but struggelling considering how people looked at her !
She was strong even though she couldn't always deffend herself she never complained !
She would talk sweet to people but would change from the angel she were to a  devil in no time just because she would think that she'll be taken as weak if she did so !
I could see that i could sen it even !
But , i couldn't tell her !!! No balls , sorry guys !
So all did in summer was thinking on how to get to her without making her hate me more!

Summer ended in a blink , as usual !
And a new school year began !
Entered the class , and stopped at the door , third row , second seat ...
There she were , i smiled at her while all i got in return is an eye contact  and a rolling eyes move afterwards !
Anyway i took my seat , feelings mixed beetween mad and happy , both for the cold welcoming and for being at the same class respectivelly !
The day ended but i didn't want to make a move .... Neither did she !
Week passed simple : me thinking and planing and Rose acting cold ! But god i'd give anything to know what's going inside her brain !!
Monday i went early to school , and on the way , there she was
Holding a book , her headphones on and walking all alone gazing to void !
I stepped up and walked next to her ......
_" Rose ! Hey good morning , nice day huh ?"
_" hey , yes it is ! So how are you ?"
_"fine , fine , all good ! So hey how was your summer and how ....."
She just interrupted me with a long 'sigh' and a face looking down to the ground while walking , then looked at me and with a trumbling tone she said :
_ look dude i can see you're a nice guy , the whole class could see it except the jerk ones ! But i don't like talking too much just....what you want ?

For anyone else he would just hate her right then and leave her straight away but me ..... Lucky , i don't use my brain much !!
_" listen Rose ! I can see that you can do great things but you're too afraid of almost everything around you and you don't have friends because you don't even let them in ! You're always shutting the door at others ....just.......just give me a chance ! I 'm not trying to hit on you don't get me wrong i just wanna be friends , i want to do the right thing !

Looked at her right in the eyes , i saw that she wasn't liking that idea much and i knew for a fact that she's going to turn me down......but destiny  knows how to surprise us !
While shaking her head like she's trying to force herself to do something she turns her back on me and heads to the school while all i heard was her voice saying " ok you get what you want but don't hate me if i turned harsh on you "
Stuck in my place ,i was feeling proud , i did something for once !
And i continued my way to school alone with a smile on my face happy for knowing that i got a new friend to change his life unaware that she's the one who'll change mine .......!

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