If you're wondering if i spent that day thinking about her and what happened well ....then you're right who am i liying to ?
I just been thinking about how she's been so cold to me when i only tryed to be nice !
So to keep it simple ....i liked her since day one !
You might be smiling like "duh i knew it" but i liked her to be my friend !
See you're wrong !!!....
And yes boys are allowed to like girls as friends !
And yes we're not all thursty!
And most important , yes ... We still do exist !
I wasn't sure about my choice , but i was always optimistic !
For a while , i was noticing her , wich would sound creepy or weird or even as stalking her , but all i did was notice her acts, her way of speech , her look for different people and her opinion towards differents situation !
It should be easy since she's my classmate ......
Yeaaah , right !
More like mission unachievable !
She had no friends and she didn't like people much ......well , now that won't make it hard on me at all !
She just wanted to study , focus in class and then get back home ! Period !!
For me , i spent weeks and even months trying to get to know her but ..... She won't let me or anyone else !
She had a white skin , but a dark soul! She was light and darkness at the same time ! She was her own savior and her own devil !
Her face was made to light up with smile but repression is all what took over her facial cues .
All that was going on in my head that i wanted to help her !
To me i could see her clearly for inside !
She's stuck !!
For her that was good and comfortable !
Rose didn't realise that she was stuck in a shell she created for herself !
Rose was never supposed to be stuck in her wounds , wounds that'll never heal , never be forgotten by any means !
But hidding inside a caconne of your creation will make it ooze through your being untill it... Changes your nature, your attitude !!
I was taken so much by the philosophy that i created for her , that i barely came to a realisation that the school year was almost over and i did nothing except talking to her only a few times !
I wouldn't choose a better time to freak out !
I did nothing and i barely got to know her !
One month left till the end of the year , sitting cozy under my blanket in my room , holding a hot cup of tea and watching TV but all i did was repeating in my head
_" why are you so dedicated to this just let it go man you'll make new friends soon ...why giving her this much of attention "
And all of a sudden , it took my attention for a moment a quote an actor said in a movie i can't even recall his name anymore
" you can close your eyes for the things you don't want to see but you cannot close your heart to the things you don't want to feel"
At that moment i came to a realisation , i'm feeling the need to help myself to rescue my soul and to ressuruct my existance by helping her .....it's not even a need it's a must !
Not only for me but i needed to make people happy i needed to put a smile on their faces !
It was all clear for me now that my goal is to make her happy !
Even though i had no feels for her back then i only intended to make a friend raise among people and be glad to call me " a true pal "
But why her ? Why not anyone else ?
Well , this part beats me ! I guess god have plans that we're not allowed to question them !With more determination to know her more and to get her to share her feels more and make some friends , i was going to make it all happen except that school time was over and summer was on ......