6 - Visiting Pt. 2

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Third Person POV:

Santana reluctantly knocked on the dorm door. She secretly hoped that whoever was Sebastian's roommate was their instead, or maybe Blaine had gotten the wrong dorm from that Nick kid? But after what felt like forever, Sebastian opened the door. At the sight of Santana Lopez he groaned, rolling his eyes and he began to walk away, towards his bed.

"What do you want?" Sebastian asked as Santana slowly walked inside.

Santana didn't observe the room like she should have. She didn't notice the closed Bathroom door, who would? Or the dusted off buttons on the radio, who would? Or even the fact that Sebastian refused to look at her at first. But, she did notice the drying blood stained on his long sleeves that covered past his fingertips. She rushed over to him.

"What the hell Sebastian?!" She was angry but concerned as she turned him around by his shoulder, lifting his right arm. 

Sebastian didn't have time to react. He couldn't. He was shocked that she would just grab his arm like that. She didn't care, so what was the problem? He just watched, frozen, as she lifted up his sleeve. 

This action was followed up by a split second frozen Santana. For all she saw was Sebastian's pale arm covered with multicolored bruises and a few cuts. The cuts were randomly placed, so she couldn't tell if his had done them or is someone else had. Either way, she didn't like it. But, the split second she was frozen was the time Sebastian snapped back, taking advantage of the moment.

He harshly pulled his arm back, yanking his sleeve down, as if it would go any further than it could. Sebastian furrowed his brow, looking at Santana.

"Why would you do that?" He almost yelled.

"Why would you do that?" She motioned towards his arm.

"This, is none of your business." Sebastian quieted his voice, not wanted anyone to hear him since the door was open.

"Bull!" Santana yelled back, "It is now!"

"I think you should leave." Sebastian growled, pointing to the door.

"And I think you need serious help, yet here we are Sebastian." Santana snapped back. Sebastian felt weird. He's never heard her use his actual name. He started to believe she had forgotten what it was.

"Your opinion means nothing to me." Sebastian snapped back as well.

"Why won't you let me help you?! We want to help you!" Santana yelled, she couldn't help but get angry.

"What if I don't want your help?" Sebastian argued.

"But you need it!" Santana added on.

"You don't know what I need." Sebastian shook his head, who did this girl think she was?

"But obviously neither do you at this point." Santana replied, quieting down.

Sebastian sighed, turning around and then back at Santana, shaking his head and he pierced his lips. He was at a loss for words. He hated that feeling. So he ignored it as he turned to his bed and continued to stuff clothing and other personal items into his backpack, ignoring Santana as well.

"Where are you going?" Santana asked.

"No where." Sebastian muttered, done with this conversation.

"Sebastian!" Santana yelled, causing Sebastian to stop in his tracks, "Look at me." She whispered.

Sebastian reluctantly looked at her, turning just his head.

"What is going on?" She asked. Sebastian was taken aback. She seemed...sincere. He didn't know how to respond. Why did these people, let alone Santana Lopez, want to help him? It didn't made sense. Nothing was making sense lately and he was confused. God was he so confused.

Sebastian opened his mouth, ready to spill every second of pain he had experienced in let alone today. But nothing came out. He couldn't talk. Why couldn't he talk? What was stopping him...? He wanted to tell her everything. He didn't care if he was still on the edge about how he saw her, a friend? Enemy? But it didn't matter right now. Someone would listen to him. That's all he could ask for. Yet, he couldn't fill in his part of the deal and he didn't know why. Instead, something else came out.

"I-I can't." He closed his eyes, shaking his head. He looked back up, his eyes glossy, but no tears would fall that day, not again, "Why do you want to help me? Why would you ever want to help me after all I did to you." Sebastian seemed to show more emotion in that sentence than any action towards other in the last month.

"Despite my bitchy attitude, I believe everyone deserve a second chance." Was Santana's response.

Santana just watched as Sebastian took in a deep breath. He closed his eyes again as he turned to his backpack, zipping in closed and swinging it over his shoulder. He licked his chapped lips as he began to walk away. But he stopped. He stopped right beside Santana. Neither of them looked at each other, they only looked in front of themselves. Sebastian whispered so light that only Santana could hear him, even then it was difficult.

"Not everyone." Sebastian whispered as he left the room.

Santana didn't watch him leave. She just heard the soft shuffle of his feet escape the grasp of her ears. It was over. He was done. She had tried so hard. And for what? For that...She couldn't do this by herself...And neither could he.

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