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PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello readers! So before I begin with this very boring but indeed important note, I would like to inform everyone and anyone who is reading this book that there will be GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. I am in no way, shape, or form of any kind a professional writer or close to one. I will make mistakes. I will have typos. I don't need the whole world hating on me for them. * Psst... I go back and edited the chapters later on.** It would very nice of you to KINDLY point out my mistakes.

Second, This book may not be reproduced in any form, size or shape as well. Even if it is not the greatest book in the world, it doesn't mean one can take it as their own. I work very, extremely hard writing every chapter, paragraph, sentence, word, and punction mark of my writing. It isn't very nice for someone to claim it as their own. IT IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW.

Third, this book will contain strong language. Now if you do not, or are uncomfortable with strong language, I strongly suggest you don't read my story. I understand not everyone likes to cuss and use crude language, and rightfully so, but this book is full of it. So don't like- don't read. I mean this in the kindest way possible.

Also, this is probably one of the most important reasons I am writing this but this takes place in 'past'. Therefore, the characters think differently then what we think now. For example, the king believes that everyone who is below him {status wise} is poor, stupid and worthless. And women aren't that important and are for pleasure only. But-t-t-t-t, before I get any hate, character development is a thing. So hold your horses.

That's all I can really think of as of now, so thank you for deciding to read my story!

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