C H A P T E R 3

66 7 2

*Mature themes... Read at your own risk*
"Well little dove, what are you waiting for, I promise I won't do anything bad." The King said with a smirk on his face, making the features on his face all the more beautiful.

It wasn't that I was worried about him doing anything, it more so that I was worried that I would lose all sense of sanity I had and would try and sleep with him.
I blushed a bright red at the thought.

"What are you thinking of, my little dove? Something dirty I suppose?" He spoke with his rich, velvety voice once more, making me shiver with pleasure.
Then, slowly but surely, he began to undress me, taking off all my garments one by one, making my body tingle with pleasure from his touch. He left all but my sheer nightgown.

"Beautiful, so beautiful you are, my little dove." He growled looking at me with a lustful gaze. I was completely bare in front of him.

Then, all at once, he picked me up and carried me off the bathing room. I had never seen it, only heard of it. It was absolutely beautiful.

High columns stood proudly and acted as walls. Moss tiles covered the ground in a checkered pattern, contrasting with already with tiles. Plants that I had never seen before were scattered along the bathhouse. I looked down and noticed white rosa petals making a trail that led to the thermae. The thermae was where the Royals bathed.

The thermae had several fountains, and pipes that pushed the water in and out, making the hot steamy water bubble.

I started following the petals, letting my feet enjoy the feeling of the texture of the warm moss and the sudden contrast to the cold marble. I started to near the thermae and at the end of the petals stood, his Highness, in his deep purple tunic and his golden crown which mimicked olive tree leaves, adorned his beautiful mess of curly black hair.

He stood with a grin on his lip, holding a bouquet of small white flowers in his hands. It was not customary at all, to say the least, but I am immensely enjoying it.

Once I reached the end of the petals, I stopped a few before him. I was so red in the face. He pulled me flush against him, making my hands rest snuggly against the hard plains of his chest.

"My Queen, my little dove," He claimed. It made butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"Y-yes my King," I stuttered.

"Now, my little dove, what have I said about addressing me in such manners? Hm?" He questioned.

To which I replied, "Not to do so, to address you as Atreos."

"Good, address me otherwise and I will punish accordingly." He advised me with a gentle voice.

"Undress me, little dove." His Highness ordered.

I merely nodded my head as a reply. I was too eager to discover what the tunic was hiding underneath.

I looked up and locked gazes with his deep ocean colored orbs. They seemed so enchanting.

I started by removing the Royal gold pin, which held it all together. I let it drop. My eyes wandered his body lustfully.

He was indeed fit to be a Royal, he surely had the body of one.

His Highness the yanked up my nightgown, leaving me bare to his roaming eyes.

I felt so exposed, but this meant to happen sometime in my life.

He let out a loud, toe tingling groan once he saw my whole body.

He stood there for a moment or two before, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the warm waters.

"You an absolute beauty little dove. I will cherish for as long as I live." He confessed while grabbing a tray of fruit, wine, and cheese. I shouldn't have been shocked, but I was. I hated wine with my whole being.

He began feeding me grapes and I did the same. There was something so sensual about eating food bare and naked with a man that gave me a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He then began to wash and bath me.

He touched every inch of my body. He then proceeded to kiss every part of my body as well.

"You are divine, little dove," He spoke into my ear. I tried to answer him, but my voice came out as a muffled moan.

"Atreos," I was unable to recognize my own voice, due to how needy I sounded.

"Yes, Ruby?" He groaned. This was the first time I heard him say my name.

"We need to stop." I heard myself say. Even though my body didn't agree with me, I knew it was wrong for me to sleep with a complete stranger.

Well, not a complete stranger, but I will have to get to know him before we continue to part-take in such activities.

"Okay, but this is the only time I will stop. I need you, and soon," He forewarned me.

"Stay here, I will be back with the bathrobes." He instructed. I wouldn't have gotten out anyway. There were guards, slaves, and servants wandering everywhere.

"Come, we will sleep now and we discuss everything tomorrow. I will explain then." He explained while giving me a bored look.
"Of course," I offered quietly. What was wrong with him? I thought. He was fine a moment ago. Why was he so bothered anyway?


We made it to the bedroom and I thought about my sweet Kai. His Uncle and Aunt made me take Kai to the city council. I knew what would happen to him there.

There, he would grow up, train, and become a warrior for the Empire. It's better than being hungry on the streets, my conscious reminded me. He was so dear to my heart. But, those wretched people couldn't beat go their nephew to take care of another man's child. Pathetic.

"Blow the candle like out after you finish getting dressed." He ordered. He

He threw me a thin, lace nightgown a pair of cotton underwear.

"May I ask what is wrong, Atreos," I asked him kindly. I just couldn't sleep knowing I caused him unease.

"No, I am tired now, come sleep with me," Atreos complained in a low, deep voice. It made something deep within my stomach stir.

"But,-" I tried to interject, but he was quick to cut me off.

"No buts, and's, or if's. It is the late hours of the night." He all but growled.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

But, I knew I had spoken too soon when I heard her voice.


Word count: 1110

~ Hi, I just wanted to say I don't really like this chapter, it may change. I just needed to have it so I can get the story going.

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