C H A P T E R 2

75 7 2

Very slightly mature themes. A kind forewarning.

With that, he closed the door, effectively locking it as well. He turned to me, staring straight into my soul. It was now that I got a good view of his Highness's face.

He had a very strong clean-cut jaw and chiseled cheeks. His cheekbones were high, and he had a strong Roman nose. His eyes. They shined in the moonlight. They were from the depths of the ocean. And his hair was as dark as midnight. It looked so soft, all I wanted to do was run my hands through it.

"What has got you thinking so hard, my little dove?" He asked me, stepping closer. I shivered. Anywhere he touched was left burning, scorching hot.

"Why? I mean why me?" I asked. I was so curious as to why me? And it was then that realization hit me, what if I couldn't give him three sons? Would he kill me like the rest?

"Because, my little dove, you are special." He answered, walking towards the outside bathhouse.

"What if I can't give you three sons?"

"You will. You must. Enough, I am tired, set the boy in his bassinet, and prepare another quilt for us to sleep on." He commanded me like there was nothing wrong with the idea.

"But my King, I,- I mean, we can't," I dragged on. I couldn't possibly sleep beside him. It was a great shame. I mean, I was no mistress of his.

"Fine. Must I do everything myself?" He huffed.

He suddenly appeared again. He put Kai in his bassinet and pulled out an extra quilt.

"Come lay down." He ordered. "Now," His voice held no room for argument so I didn't bother.

I went to lay down when my steps came to a halt.

His Highness was bare from the waist up. He was what one would say 'ripped'. He had strong muscled biceps and from what I could tell, so was the rest of his body. I was so mesmerized watching his muscles flex, I didn't even notice that he had turned around.

My cheeks flushed.

"I-I'm terribly sorry my King, I never meant to, I didn't know you were changing and,-" He silenced me with his finger, rubbing his thumb against my lower lip.

"I know, it's all yours." He gestured towards his muscled abdomen. He truly did have the body of a real warrior.

"Come. You must rest. You have a busy day ahead."

"It's wrong, your Highness," I whispered. It was shameful to be with a man I wasn't wedded too.

"I told you, I will wed you all in good time. I gave you my word." He said to me getting irritated.

I went to lay down and so did he. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to his work chest and I could feel the heat through my thin gown. Every muscle on his chest and abdomen was pressed against me.

He weaved his large hand through the top of my nightgown and rested his hand on my right breast.

I inhaled quickly, feeling myself heating up. This shouldn't be happening. He shouldn't be touching me like this.

"Why aren't you wedded to anyone?" His soothing voice asked into the quiet chilly air surrounding us.

"W-what?" I asked shocked he would ask such a thing.

"You heard me. Why? You should've been married at least seven years ago."

It was true. It was a Roman custom that their daughters be wedded anywhere from the ages of seven to the age of ten. I was considered very old not be married, but then again not many women can say they make it to the age of 19. However, I'm not Roman. I'm Egyptian. But I don't think he needs to know that.

I was silent for a good while.

"I don't know. My parents died before they could marry me off." I said, which was partly true.

"Are you sure that's the only reason, my dove?" He pressed on. He wasn't going to stop, and I don't know how much longer I could carry my act on.

"Yes," I muttered under my breath hoping he didn't hear me but he did and gave my breast a firm squeeze, and I squeaked.

"I don't know what you mean my King." Shoot, shoot, shoot! I let my stupid accent come through! Ugh! He is for sure going to kill us now!

"One more chance little dove," He said. He then started massaging my breast. A strange type of pleasure shot through me. It felt so good. I let a moan slip.

"Well," He breathed huskily into my ear, his hot breath teasing me.

"I-I'm-I- my mother is from Kemet. The Black Land. B-but my father is from here, The City of Seven Hills." I confessed to him in a breathy moan.

"Good, see that was all I wanted to hear, my little dove. I knew I heard an accent that wasn't common." And with that, he pulled me even closer, if possible, and slept. Shortly after, I did too.


I was officially wedded to the King against his Uncle's will. I feared that his Uncle would recognize me from that one fateful night, but he did not. He simply didn't like me, because he wanted the King to marry one of his business associate's daughters. His Aunt didn't want me marrying him because of my social status, and because of my appearance. Indeed, I didn't have the qualities the Romans wanted in their women.

My skin wasn't fair, but it wouldn't be classified as tan either. I had big green eyes surrounded by thick dark lashes, similar to my hair. I had thick wavy brown hair that cascaded down my shoulders, all the way to my hips.

Then there was my figure. Now here, in The Eternal City, women were to have wide hips, small breasts, thin shoulders, and a corresponding waist. I on the other hand, because of my parents, had big voluminous breasts, a very small waist, and a large rear.

But somehow, the King still apparently found me attractive. Why and how he did was beyond me.

The ceremony was very private and was kept strictly confidential. It was custom that until I was with a child, the empire shouldn't know of me.

Until then, the matter should have been kept quiet.

I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. It was either get humiliated and eventually killed or get married to him. I obviously went with the latter.


"Come here. Let me undress you, little dove." His deep voice called into the sleeping chambers.

There was no going back now.

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