C H A P T E R 1

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Chapter 1


Working for his highness was very nerve-racking. You never knew when he would break and lose his temper. Although it doesn't happen often, he certainly had his moments. But one thing was for sure. He was fair to the people of his empire. He made sure no one was on the streets begging for money. And he closed all the brothels the kingdom had. He apparently didn't need any diseases spreading.
The sun had set, and it was time for me to head home to my baby. I had found him near the sewers of the city and my heart just couldn't bear to leave him. And I'm so glad I didn't. He was only seven months old. He was my very purpose for existence.

"Thank you so much Mother Ada. I hope he wasn't too much of a hassle." I politely greeted the sweet old lady who took care of Kai while I was away in the Royal castle.

"Of course, my dear, just be careful. I heard from the women in the neighborhood that the Kingsmen were searching the Kingdoms homes. They say that there is a traitor amongst us." Mother Ada forewarned me. Too bad I didn't listen.

The moon was high in the sky, bright and full. It was so beautiful. The moon was a blessing from God, guiding us through the night. I was brought out of my daze when I heard Kai start babbling his baby words. He was such a beautiful baby. Unfortunately, he was an orphan.

I had just finished bathing Kai, and myself when I heard the loud ruckus from outside. It was the late hours of the night; I thought to myself, the children should be in bed by now. I went to put on my lace robe when suddenly the door to my same adobe was slammed down and I screamed. And that's when all hell broke loose.

Four large men, no large was an understatement. Four humongous men practically crouched down to come into my little home.

"She is with a baby, my King. A boy." Just when they had mentioned Kai, I realized that he was in his small tunic I had sewed, and he was giggling?

"He is so small and cute!" One of the men cried. I then thought that he was completely insane.

"Is he yours?" A deep, dark voice asked, filling the air. It was the King. The King found out. I was doomed. I was so scared.

"Yes," I whispered. All heads turned towards me, and all their eyes filled with surprise.

The King's eyes turned a shade darker with rage and asked, "Where is his father? Or is he a fatherless bastard?" It was now my turn to full of hate. How dare he call anyone, especially a child, a bastard?

"No my King, he is without a father and mother. I found him near the city sewers nearly 7 moons ago." That must have calmed him a bit, as his eyes turned to the shade they once were.

"Men, leave me to converse for a bit." The Kings rough voice sounded in my small home. What he said has both the men and me startled and shocked.

"Are you sure King?" The man closest to him asked.

"Must I repeat myslef? Yes, of course, I'm sure, now disappear from my sight." With that, all the men with him left just as they came in.

By now, Kai was getting upset as he wasn't in bed sleeping soundly, therefore resorted to pushing his head into my breasts, seeking comfort. Even though I did not have any milk for him to drink, it comforted him.

"I'll be a moment my King," I told him, while he was looking around, taking in the place. Not that there was much to take in.

"Hurry, I haven't all night." He told me, irritants seeping through his voice.

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