Character List

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You don't have think of the characters as these people but when I'm writing, I picture them to look something like this.

Rosella (Rose) Andrews
Taylor Hill

Astanphaeus (Ash)Lucky Blue Smith

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Astanphaeus (Ash)
Lucky Blue Smith

Cameron (Cam) Decker Nick Robinson

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Cameron (Cam) Decker
Nick Robinson

Cameron (Cam) Decker Nick Robinson

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Samuel (Sam)
Stephen James

Samuel (Sam) Stephen James

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Haley Jackson

Jess Philips Emma Stone

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Jess Philips
Emma Stone

Molly Thompson Lily Collins

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Molly Thompson
Lily Collins

Charlie ReyesMichael B Jordan

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Charlie Reyes
Michael B Jordan

Like I said, you can picture the characters anyway you want but this is how I imagine them to look

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Like I said, you can picture the characters anyway you want but this is how I imagine them to look.

See you on the 6th

L.J. xx


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