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Ignorance is Bliss

As Rosella recovered from her scream, she silently wondered how he'd gotten back outside without her knowledge.

What would he do with her?
Would he kill her?

"Wow." He recoiled back. "You okay Rose?"

Rosella finally turned round and stared at him.
It was the wrong brother- the other brother.

Rosella remained quiet as he stared at her with a seemingly innocent and concerned face.

But Rosella knew better than to trust him after hearing that conversation.

"Rose?" Ash questioned as he moved his arm towards her.

Now it was her turn to recoil back.

"Don't touch me." She hissed, still out of breath from the scream.

"Okay." He put his arms up in defeat. "Sorry."

After a moments silence, he opened his mouth to speak again but Rosella beat him to it.

"Who are you?"

"What?" He breathed a laugh. "I know I'm new but I've been with you the whole night-"

"Don't play games with me." She said seriously. "Who. Are. You."

"I don't know what you want me to say? My names Ash-"

"Or is it?"

He paused and stared at her.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"No, I'm not okay! After that conversation with you're brother-"

He cut her off immediately.

"What conversation? When did you talk to him?"

"I didn't." She corrected herself. "But I did overhear a conversation with him and-"

She cut herself off.

What was she supposed to say? Molly who wasn't really Molly- the monster that looked and sounded like Molly?

She's sound crazy. Not that she didn't already.

"Rose, What are you talking about?" Ash had leaned closer and seemed to be taking her more seriously-

The innocent facade gone.

"Like you don't know, you're probably in on it aren't you?"

"In on what? Rosella, what did you hear?"

"I heard your brothers cunning plan to kidnap me- or kill me - or whatever!" She wanted to say more but the door opening behind her cut her off.

It was Sam.

"Well hello Rose." He nodded his head at her, a somewhat sinister smile on his face.

His whole demeanour changed when her looked at Ash- his smile dropped, his jaw clenched and a terrifying look over took his face.


Ash didn't reply right away; he took a step closer to Rosella and kept his eyes locked with Sams.

"What are you doing brother, she wasn't supposed to know of anything-"

"And she doesn't." Sam turned to look at Rosella. "Do you?"

The intense stare made her instinctively shrink back into Ash-

Even though she didn't trust him, Ash was x10 better than having to deal with Sam at that moment.

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