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Motion Sickness

As Rosella cowered behind a brave Ash, and 10 murderous angels burst into her mothers home, she thought about the mirror she had broken two years prior.

The bad luck is finally catching up to me, she thought. I don't think I stick 8 years of this shit.

"Give her up Astanphaeus, you know the protocol; She has to be taken care of." A women practically hissed.

"You know that's not going to happen." Astanphaeus replied, his voice stern.

It all happened in the blink of an eye; one minute they all stood glaring at each other, the next, all 10 angels charged towards them.

Rosella was mere inches from one of the invaders when she stumbled onto the floor.

Looking down she noticed that the carpet floor of her mothers living room was now a wooden floor.

In fact, as she looked around, she noticed that she was in a completely new place all together and-

God she felt sick.

"What just happened?" She squeaked out, the bile rising in her throat.

"I used my little powers to zap us out of there." Ash answered, mocking her earlier statement.

Rosella thought about retorting back but the bile quickly rising stopped her. She ran to the closest sink and emptied the contents of her stomach.

She breathed heavily and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Well give a girl a little warning next time, would 'ya." She glowered at him.

She looked around and her heart beat quickened. "Where's my mother?"

Ash stayed quiet.

"Ash? Where is she?"

"I had to get you out of there as quickly as I could and for me to teleport someone I have to be holding onto them- your mother was too far away."

Rosella stared at him.

"Sorry, let me get this straight- you left my mother behind with 10 of those angel dicks who are out for my blood?! Who could possibly kill her?!" Rosella snapped.

"Yes." His voice was void of emotion again.

That seemed to happened every time he done something to piss her off, Rosella noticed- usually something that went against her morals.

Like leaving someone behind.

"Can't you go back and get her?! Bring her here- where ever here is." She paused, looking around. "Where is here exactly?"

"No, if I go back there I won't make it out alive. And this is my apartment- you were literally here earlier on, we're just in a different room. Like I said earlier, because I have the apartment warded, it is currently the safest place you could be right now.

Now that they know I'm helping you, as soon as either of us leave this apartment, they'll be on our ass in seconds-

Which is why neither of us can leave. At least not right now."

Rosella took a minute to breath.

"Well what about my clothes-"

Ash held up a bag, one of hers specifically, that was packed with her belongings.

Had he been holding that the whole time? Rosella thought, was she really that unobservant?

"Well, what about my mother?" Rosella asked, her anger simmering but her anxiety levels still high.

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