Chapter 1

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Honestly, the thing I hate most about school is seeing the same people, every day, every hour and have the same old routine.

Knowing that today would be just as boring as the anterior day, where I'll be walking down the corridor and seeing the same old faces made it even harder for me to get out of bed, but I do anyway.

I get out of bed, put my pink slippers on, and go straight to the bathroom before my little brother Matt, can come knock down the door and tell me to hurry up.I do the typical, brush teeth, wash face and a little bit of makeup, cause it never hurt anyone to cover up them horrendous spots.

After I get out of the bathroom I go change, get a granola bar and off to school I go.I wait by the parking lot as per usual to wait for my best friend, Carla. She's 17(like me) blonde short hair, beautiful blue eyes and a gorgeous smile on her face.

''I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed'' she says laughing.

''Haha, very funny..''

''I am, aren't I? Maybe I should become a comedian ''

''Sure'' I replied, not paying attention to what she just said.

''Hey, is there something up or same old Maddie who wants a change in her life? You are more distracted than usual today.''

''Nah, same old me'' I responded lazily as we walked into the building.

Going straight to my locker, to get my chemistry book as I hear an abundant of gossiping.As I turn around I see all the girls forming a semicircle around the door, but instead of getting intrigued I ignore it and walk to my class.

''Today class, we are gonna do an experiment, how exciting, right ?!''

Not really we do experiment every class, which isn't a bad thing besides that I don't have a lab partner; the fun part of chemistry experiments is doing them with someone and laughing when something goes wrong or gossiping about how bad the teacher's taste in clothes is, like seriously, Mr. Gomez has no fashion sense whatsoever

As I sit there, lost in my thoughts, the door opens, a tall muscular dude walked through the door.

He is pretty tan, longish curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a nervous look on his face.As he walks in the teacher stops giving instructions.

''You must be the new kid, right ?''

''Um, yes, Mr. ...''



''Well, Ethan, you can have a seat next to this lovely lady,um..''

''Maddie, Mr. Gomez, my name is Maddie, you've had me for 3 years now.''

''Is that the way to talk to your teacher,um..''

''Maddie, it's just Maddie, M A D D I E, Maddie''

''Carry on with the experiment, you are disrupting the class, Marley''

''Is he always like that?'' Says Ethan laughing.

''Kinda, yeah''

''I feel sorry for you, anyways my name is Ethan''

''I already feel sorry for myself, and I'm Maddie, but I suppose you already got it ''

''Yeah, I did''

The rest of the hour we talked about all kinds of random stuff relating to chemistry and for the first time in a while, I was content to be at school.The lesson went by pretty quick as I stand up from my stool, I think about Ethan and how I didn't hate talking to him.

''Hey, um, lunch is in an hour, if you want we can hang out and I'll show you around and give you a brief but necessary description of the students and teachers of this school so you can know what to expect.''

''Thanks for the offer, but I think I will have to pass, sorry''


That was strange, I mean...I wasn't expecting a no, I actually had fun this lesson; maybe he didn't feel the same way...

Fast forward to me driving home, because nothing eventful happened the rest of the day, besides me getting rejected, like seriously, who does that? I told Carla about what happened, and she was just as shocked as I was.

Later in the night

I'm in my bed with my blanket and headphones listening to music as I feel my phone vibrate next to me.


- Hey-

-Um, hi, who's this ?-

-Oh yeah, sorry, it's Ethan-


-Yeah, your friend, um... Carla I think, gave me your number-


-I just wanted to apologize for being rude earlier-

-No worries, not interested, I got it-

-No, no, it's not that, it's just I kind of had an emergency and had to go at lunch-

-Heard that before-

-I know it sounds like a lame excuse, trust me, but it's not like that-

I don't reply

-You still there?-



-Yeah...-I finally replied

-Okay, what about us meeting up tomorrow you can tell me all about the teachers and warn me about the mean girls :)-


-Cool, tomorrow at 11?-

-That early?-



-You'll see, just get ready and you'll find out -


-Night, M A D D I E :)-


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