Chapter 7

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After that, we stand up and walk to his car whilst we are hugging.I don't want him to let go and I think he can sense that.I'm scared, I'm scared that if he let's go Jay will show up again.I'm scared of Jay, and I'm scared of the world.Up until now I only saw this happen in movies or books, I've never met anyone that has experienced such thing, not that I know of.But now, now I have. And I can tell you I feel violated, I feel powerless and I feel like I'm a piece of trash, like I'm not worth being treated delicately.

When we finally reach the car, we let go.And I can sense that it was hard for me as it was for him.I just can't explain what I'm feeling.I won't.

He drives to his apartment, we get out and go upstairs.

''Ethan is still at school.So it will be just us.''

I nod, I still couldn't speak.

He opens the door and walks me to the couch, as I lay down he goes to get a fluffy blanket and carefully places it over me.

''Do you want a cup of tea?''

Normally I would say no, I don't like tea, I'm weird, I know.But once again, I couldn't talk and also I wanted something to get my body to its normal temperature, so I nodded once again.

After a few minutes, he comes back with the cup of tea in his hands.

''Be careful, it's hot'' He says as he hands it to me.

I expected him to make a silly joke like 'be careful, it's hot, just like you' but he didn't; Which I'm kind of glad he decided not to.Then he takes a seat next to me.

''Thank you'' I finally say.

''Don't thank me, okay?I'm just glad I was there at the right time''

I nod with a quivering lip.I'm so glad he was there, what if he wasn't? what if Jay wouldn't have stopped, What then? And just as I ask myself all these questions which I don't have the answer to I can feel my cheeks burning and once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream.

''You are safe now.'' He says as he moves closer into a hug.After a while, he picks me up bridal style and he heads into his room.He gets close to the bed and lays me down and he lays next to me.I move closer to him and bury my head in his chest and put one of my legs over his.I can feel Grayson massaging my hair and then slowly leaning closer to kiss my forehead.

2 Hours Later

I wake up, look at Grayson and see that he is still sleeping, so I try not to make too much noise. I get my things then call a cab.

When I finally get home I see this unknown lady in the kitchen.

''Um, hello? May I help you?''

''You must be Maddie, Right?'' 

''Yeah, what's going on ?'' I ask confused.

''I'm Matt's babysitter, your parents ask me to take care of him while they are gone.''

''Of course, well thanks, but I'm here now, so you are free to go.''

''You sure? I can stay and help.''

''I'm sure. ''I reply as I point towards the door.

I quickly go upstairs into Matts room and see him lay in his bed.

''Hey, Buddy''


''How was your day ?''

''Pretty bad, I got sick, but then mum and that said they had a business meeting, so they had to go; How was your day ?''

''Pretty bad too.Can I ask for a favor?''


''Can you give me a big, big hug?''

''Yes! I am the best hugger in the world!'' He replies with a confident tone.

And then quickly places his hands around my neck and gives me a tight embrace.

''Thank you, you've just made my day a lot better!''

''You're welcome!And by the way, you've made my better too!''

''I'm glad'' I say as I blow a kiss and then head to my room and close the door.

As I take off my shirt I can see bruises starting to form, which makes me want to cry, but I don't. I change into my pajamas quickly and head downstairs to make dinner.

2 Hours Later



''I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight.''

''Of course, I'd love to. How about we sleep in mum's bed?It's much bigger and  more comfortable''

''Yes! Great idea!''And with that being said, we race all the way upstairs and to the end of the corridor.''

''You go get comfy, I'm going to go take my makeup off, I'll be right back '' I go to the bathroom and wash my face then use micellar water to take off whats left of it.

*Ring Ring*

''Hello ?'' I answer without looking.

''Hey, it's Grayson, just wanted to check up on you.''

''Hi, I'm good.''

''You sure? I can come over if you want''

''That's sweet, but I think I'm going to spend some time with my little brother.''

''Nice, well then I'll see you tomorrow.''

''See you''

'' I like you.''

''I like you too'' I reply laughing.

 Next Morning

I didn't feel like going to school today, so I decided to stay home.Also, my brother was still sick so I thought I would take care of him. I get up and go to the bathroom then I go downstairs to make some breakfast before Matt wakes up.Then I hear the doorbell ring.


''Carla!'' I say loudly while I'm pulling her into a hug.We go to the kitchen and sit down.

''Hey, Grayson told me what happened...'' 

I don't say anything.

''I want to say that I'm a terrible, terrible friend for not being there, for not stopping what was happening. I am so so sorry and I love you so so much'' I can see she genuinely means it because her eyes start to get red, like she's about to cry.

''It's okay Carla.''

''NO, NO IT FUCKING ISN'T! what that ANIMAL did to you ISN'T ALRIGHT !''

Once again, I don't reply.

''You need to file a report!'' She says.

''No, I can't.''

''Why not?''

''Because I don't know, he'll go to jail, he's going to be 18 soon.''

''And?What he did isn't right, it's against the law!''

''Maybe he was drunk?'' I don't know why I was defending him, to be honest, what he did to me was awful; Somehow I still can't believe what happened.The Jay that I knew, wouldn't have done that.He was sweet, gentle and considerate.

''Drunk or not, it's still illegal.''


''THERE IS NO BUT'' she cuts me off ''We are talking about rape!This is ridiculous''

''Keep your voice down please, Matt is still sleeping and he doesn't know what happened.''

''Sorry, but this isn't over! I have to go to school now, but I'll come by later.'' I accompany her to the entrance,  she opens the door and bumps into someone.

''Hey!'' He said.

End of Chapter 7!  Hope you liked it!

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