Chapter 6

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So I finally get home and I don't even try sneaking in because my parents don't actually care so I'm safe.
I just take my shoes off and head upstairs.Then I feel my phone vibrate

"Hey, it's Ethan, sorry again for not being there."

Oh my god I hope Grayson didn't tell him what I had planned.

"He told me you had planned something special."

Shit shit shit, I'm going to kill Grayson.

"But he wouldn't tell me what you planned."

Thank God!

"Hey, are you there ?"
"So what was it that you had planned?"
"Nothing, don't worry"
"Um, okay?"
"So you want to meet up and talk ?"
"Sure," I say.
So I have actually decided to remain, friends, I mean I really like him, but also now that I've met Grayson, I think I like him too, and it wouldn't be fair to Ethan.So the twins are now off limits.I need to stay away from them.

The rest of the day was actually quite boring, so I'm not going to bore you with that!

Next day
Ugh! I hate Mondays!
I get up and get ready, then off to school I go.
I see Carla and walk up to her.
"So how was your camping trip ?" I ask.
"It sucked."
"Aww, poor Carla."
"Oh shut up, you don't know how stressful it is to sleep in a tent in the middle of a forest crowded with bears!"
"Sorry, but anyways I got loads to tell you."
"Ooo please do!"
So I do! I tell her about me going to Ethan's making a fool of myself in front of Grayson, how Ethan has a twin and that I spent the night.
"OMG! No way, how is your life more interesting than mine? "
"Honestly I'll rather not be in this situation!"
"I think deep inside you love it !"
"Sure, keep thinking that..."

So at lunchtime, I was on my way to the cafeteria when someone tapped me on the back.I turn around and see Jay.
"Hey, can we talk ?"
"Seriously? Can't you see I'm busy?"
"Please it won't take long"
Then we head outside, I follow him as he goes behind the school into a corner where there is no one around.
"So? What's up?I don't have all day."
"I wanted to say that I still love you."
"We already established that I don't so can I go now ?"I say impatiently.
"No, wait, I know what the problem is."
"Huh?" I ask confused.
"You forgot how I made you feel."
"Say what now ?" I say as I feel him get closer and closer to me.
"Yeah, think about it...I was your first real love the one who you lost your virginity to, the one who you felt pleasure with! All I have to do is give you that pleasure all over again and we'll be together !"
"Jay, stop this is absurd." I say pushing him.
But he only gets angrier and repeats the same idea that he has to give me pleasure in order for me to forgive him.
He gets closer and pushes me against the wall, pins my hands to the wall and starts kissing my neck.
"Jay, stop." I say as I try to push him off.
But he wouldn't listen to me, every time I tried to pull away he only came back harder.
He kept kissing me and touching me and wouldn't let go of me.
"Please, Jay, stop! I don't want this! I don't want you!" I basically scream as I feel the tears running down my cheeks.
"Please just stop, please!" But he didn't listen.
He pulled up my skirt and started rubbing his crotch against me.
And I was just crying harder, I couldn't believe what was happening, I was powerless I was so exhausted from crying that I didn't have the voice to yell for help.
Then suddenly Jay pulls away, or that's what I thought.But in reality, Grayson pushed him off and started punching him till Jay managed to escape and run away.
I was devastated, I lean against the wall and slowly kneel down.I rest my head in my hands and start sobbing. I couldn't believe what just happened.
I could feel Grayson sitting next to me trying to make me feel better.
"Shh, it's okay now, I'm here now.You are safe" he whispers.
Which was true, I was safe, I felt safe.But it wouldn't stop me from crying, I just couldn't.
After an hour of sitting like that, I finally look up and thank him.
Without even thinking twice about it I look into Grayson's eyes and lean in, our foreheads touching as his lips brush against mine and a soft delicate kiss takes place. And just like that, it made me forget about the horrendous event that just occurred.

Sorry for the short chapter! There is more to come. 

Follow me on Instagram @TissueGrayson.

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