Chapter 2- Dinner

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"Hi, Dana." Ray said as a very tall and beautiful girl opened the door.

"That's Dana." Egon wispered to me.

"Hi, Ray. How good to see you!" Dana said as she and Ray hug."Thanks for coming."

"Hey, no problem. Always glad to help- and hug!" Ray said walking away.

"Hello, Dana." Egon said as Dana gave him a quick hug.

"Hi, Egon!" She told him.

"Nice place." Ray commeted looking around.

"Dana, this is my daughter, Vada. Vada this is Dana." Egon told us as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." I said nervously as I gave her a smile.

"Nice to meet you too, sweetheart." Dana said returning the smile as Peter entered.

"Well, I know I'm just asking for the big hurt but I thought I'd give us one more chance." Peter said.

"He tortured me! He pulled my ears!" Ray frantically told her.

"Hello, Peter." Dana said looking at him.

"Hello, Dana." Peter said sounding like my mother when she was trying to impress someone new.

"So, what would you like to do first?" Dana asked Egon and Ray. That's when a girl probably about sixteen or seventeen came in and gave a baby to Dana. Hot Dog was is name.

Weird name for a baby don't you think?

"We'd like to examine the baby first." Egon said.

"Yeah. And anything associated with the baby. Especially stuffed toys. Things with fabrics in them." Ray added.

"And we'd like to see the buggy." Egon added.

"All right. Can I put him over here?" Dana asked.

"And wherever he sleeps." Ray added quickly. I didn't know what this appointment was for. They only told me that they needed to help a woman named Dana Barrett.

"Yes." Dana agreed.

"This will be fine." Egon said looking at the table.

"This okay?" Ray asked grabbing a changing table.

"Fine." Egon said.

"We'll have to lay him down flat." Ray explained.

"Okay, sweetheart, now they're gonna take a look at you." Dana said talking to Hot Dog.

"A little precursory medical examination." Egon added.

"What do you say? Gamel and Pross Infant Acuity Test?" Ray asked Egon.

"Sounds good, we'll finish off with an Apgar score." Egon told him.

"It's nothing that's going to hurt him, right?" Dana asked.

"No!" Ray and Egon quickly aurssed her.

"No, I don't think so. He'll be fine." Egon added.

"You ever done this before?" Ray asked as Dana left them.

"On a chimp." Egon told him.

I decided to stay with Egon. Even though I didn't completely trust him yet. But who really could I trust? I trusted that one boyfriend mom had but.....

Nah I can't talk about that. Not yet.

"Okay. Subject is a male Caucasian, approximately-" Ray asked into a tape recorder.

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