Chapter 5- Slime

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"You all right?" Peter called down to Ray.

"Yeah, I'm good. Speed's good, boys. Keep it coming." Ray said as muttered a few other things but I couldn't hear them.

"SLIME!!!" I heard him yell.

"What?" Peter questioned.

"It's a river of slime! There's gotta be 25,000 gallons of it! It's flowing through here like a river! Van Horne! Pneumatic transit. I can't believe it! It's the old pneumatic transit system! It's still here! Okay! Whoa, whoa! That's good! Hold me up! Hold me up! That's good!" Ray yelled up to us

"What do you see?" Peter asked as a police car drives up. Oh shit....

"What's going on here? Hey! What's the story?" The cop asked us with a con ed man.

"Hey, what, you boneheads are gonna roust me out again?" Peter started in the same accent as earlier."I've got three thousand phones out on Greenwich Village! I got about eight million miles of cable I gotta check! You gonna come and shake my monkey tree again?"

"What are you talking about, buddy? The phone lines are over there!" The con ed man asked.

"What'd I say to you?!" Peter said as he startes to whack Egon over the head angrily."The phone lines are over there! What'd I say? How many times?!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! You're not with Con Ed or the phone company. We checked. So tell me another one." The cop demanded.

"I got a major gas leak here!" Peter exclaimed as he points to some steam."Where do you think all this is coming from? The sky?"

No one realized Ray was  calling up for help. Until i heard him.

"Hey, help! Pick me up!" Ray yelled.

"Ray!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! Start! Start!" Peter yells as Egon and him pull him up.

"Come on! Get me out of this hole! Aggh!!" Ray yells as suddenly New York City goes dark!

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