Chapter 7- Court Battle

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"Before we begin this trial I want to one thing very clear. The law does not recognize the existence of ghosts. I don't believe in them either. Don't wanna hear a lot of malarkey about goblins and spooks and demons. We're gonna stick to the facts in this case and leave the ghost stories to the kiddies, understood?" The Judge explained to everyone. He sounds nice...

I walked over to where Egon, Ray, and Peter were talking to an unfamiliar guy.

"Wow. Sounds like a pretty open-minded guy." The unfamiliar man commented about the Judge.

"Yeah, they call him The Hammer." Egon told him.

"What can we do? It's all in the hands of our lawyer now." Ray added as I decided to come closer. Hopefully this guy was harmless.

"Oh! Winston. I forgot to tell you about my daughter. Winston this is Vada. Vada this is Winston." Egon explained to us.

"Hi, Nice to meet you." I told Winston as I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Winston said giving me a smile. Suddley a man came to us carrying lots of books and drops them on the table.

"I think you guys are making a big mistake. I mostly do tax laws and probate stuff occasionally. I got my law degree at night school!" The man tells Ray, Egon, Peter and Winston.

"Well, that's fine, Louis. We got arrested at night." Ray says as he slams his head on the table. I started to rub his shoulder.

"Vada this is Louis. Louis this is my daughter, Vada." Egon tells us.

"Nice to meet ya." Louis says as he shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you too." I told him. That's when another man turns to us.

"Violating a judicial restraining order, willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief- see you in a couple of years, at your first parole hearing." The man says as he walks away.

"You'll never take us alive!" Peter tells him sassily.

"All right, all right, let's get on with it." The judge says as I take a seat next to Egon.

The Opening remarks began.

"Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the- of the audience. I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds! Okay, so the blackout was a big problem for everybody, okay? I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them! Because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you." Louis tells the court. I almost laughed at the look on the Judges face!

"Very good, Louis. Short but pointless." Egon tells him quietly. I roll my eyes.

Now the Prosecutor is talkive to a Con Ed Supervisor named Mr. Fianella.

"Mr. Fianella, please look at Exhibits A through F on the table over here. Do you recognize this equipment?" The prosecutor asked him.

"Yeah. That's the stuff the cops took from their truck." Mr. Fianella explained.

"Do you know what this equipment is used for?" The prosecutor asks him.

"I don't know... catching ghosts, maybe? I dunno." Mr. Fianella explained.

"May I remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that strictly forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators or eliminators." The prosecutor stated.

"So done." The Judge agreeds.

"Now, Mr. Fianella" The prosecutor says as she hands him a jar of Slime."Can you identify the substance in this jar marked Exhibit F?"

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