Chapter 8- Toaster Dance

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Wow! I've never been so busy! It's Christmas Day and finally Egon gets a break from being a ghostbuster. He actually gave me forty dollars for Christmas! I was shocked considering I haven't gotten anything for Christmas since when i was nine!

So now we are visiting everyone at Ghostbusters Headquarters. I meet Janine Melniz. She seems very kind. Ray takes some slime out of the microwave. Janine watches. Apparently she's a little worried about me being alone with them considering they don't have any experience with children.

"We've been experimenting with the plasm we found in the subway tunnel. Careful." Ray explaines to us.

"Should I get spoons?" Peter jokes a little.

"Don't bother. Watch this. Go ahead, Ray." Egon says getting excited.

"You! You worthless piece of slime! You ignorant, disgusting blob!" Ray says as the slime bubbles. Just like it did in court!

"You're nothing but an unstable, short-chain molecule!" Egon added.

"You foul, obnoxious mob!" Ray added.

"You have a weak electrochemical bond!" Egon said as Winston, Janine, and Peter trade looks.

"I have seen some disgusting crud in my time, but you take the cake!" Ray starts up again but Janine stops him.

"Would you stop that? Vada is in the room." Janine hissed.

"This is what you do with your spare time?" Peter asked sounding like a therapist.

"Peter, this is an incredible breakthrough. I mean, what a discovery! A psychoreactive substance! Whatever this stuff is, it responds to human emotional states." Ray explained to him.

"Mood slime." Peter said as he turned his attention to the slime."Oh, baby..." he said as
it bubbles

"You mean this stuff actually feeds on bad vibes?" Winston asked.

"Fasinating." Janine says bored.

"Like a cop in a donut factory." Ray says.

"We've been running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction." Egon says.

"What kind of tests?" I ask curiously.

"Well, we sing to it, and we talk to it, and say supportive, nurturing things to it..." Ray says awkwardly.

"You're not sleeping with it, are you, Ray?" Peter asked as an uncomfortable silence comes over everyone and Egon looks away."Oh, you!"

"It's always the quiet ones." Winston smirks.

"I'm not suprised." Janine says.

"You hound!" Peter adds as I laugh a bit.

"How about the kinetic test?" Egon says quickly changing the subject.

"Okay." Ray agrees.

"Ordinary household toaster." Egon explained as he set one down.

"I'll take your word for that." Peter tells him.

"It responds to music, so we've been doing some experimentation. Playing easy listening. Middle-of-the-road type stuff. You know, Paul Young, Dust In The Wind, that works okay." Ray explained.

"It works for me." Peter says.

"It loves Jackie Wilson." Ray explained to us.

"Oh he had a wonderful voice!" Janine said.

"Sheesh! You guys do this at night when I'm not here?" Peter asks as the music starts playing."Oh, I get it, it sings! It sounds exactly like Jackie, that's fantastic."

"Just watch." Egon tells him.

"Does it do Emmy Lou Harris?" Peter asked as the toaster jumps."Oh, it dances too."

"Shake it up!" Ray yells as the toaster spits out toast and music goes off.

"Oh! Oh, oh baby, oh, you're my number one Christmas boutique gift item!" Peter says as he hugs the toaster tightly.

"Right, and the first time somebody gets mad the toaster could eat their hand." Winston says.

"No, no, no, no, we put a warning label on it, we don't have any liability- aggh! Ow! Oh!" Peter yells as Egon gets the toaster off of his hand."Oh! Oh, did you ever go for it. The old man-eating-toaster gig!" Peter says.

Ray yells as everyone starts to attack Peter while Janine pushes me away from them while laughing.

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