Chapter 3- Dinner

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After we left First Avenue, we said goodbye to Dana, Ray, and Peter and went out to find some place to eat. We decided on a local pizza place.

After we ordered a plain pizza with only pepperinon we didn't talk. We just sat there in slience not speaking until he thankfully broke it. I hated sitting in slience. Waiting.

It reminded me of something that happened when i was seven. I'm not ready for Egon to know what happened like that. Not yet.

"So you said you were eleven right?" Egon spoke up.

"Yeah." I said taking a sip from my coke.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Egon asked Curiously.

"I like reading. And i like singing and eating." I explained.

"Oh that's good. I like eating too. Mostly junk food. I enjoy reading also." Egon admitted.

"I do enjoy junk food." I agreed."So what about you? What do you like to do for fun?"

"Well like I said, i like junk food. I also like investigating the paranormal. We used to be ghostbusters but the law told us to stop. I should tell you all about it." Egon told me.

He told me everything that happened five years ago. And who he worked with and a few others things that happened during it.

"Wow. I'm really sorry." I commeted. I didn't know what else to say. All you're life's work. Gone.

"It's Alright. It was five years ago now. I work at the university so I'm fine." Egon explained even though I knew he was lying.

"Well at least you have a good job. My grandma told me that you should always make sure you have a good job when your young." I explained. I felt sad thinking about her.

I always wondered what exactly poisoned her. Everyone thinks it was a sudicide, considering she attempted it before. But no one told me the whole story. And she didn't say anything about it when she visited me.

"That's correct. So ummm. I do have an apartment but I only have one room and a couch. You get the bed. I take the couch." Egon told me.

"Yeah no. Your keeping the bed. I get the couch." I told him.

"It's fine. I only will use it for fourteen minutes each day. It leaves a bunch of time to work." Egon explained.

"Oh. Then I guess it does work." I gave in. Alright at least I'll finally get a real place to sleep. The floor was never comfortable.

"So tell me about Gracie? How did she treat you?" Egon asked.

"Not very good. But i guess I deserved it." I explained.

"And why did you think that?" Egon continued studying me closely.

"Well she told me. I never meant to do anything wrong. I would try to do things correctly but I would apprently screw up or something. Then she would tell me." I explained.

"Did she ever physically hurt you?" Egon asked looking worried. I really didn't want to talk about this.

She did hurt me a lot of times. When i messed up I would get slapped hard. But if she was drunk all hell would raise. I occasionally limped around as the pain never goes away.

"You know that was wrong of her to do that right?" Egon asked looking concerned.

"To me it didn't really matter. I mean if i ever have kids I wouldn't do anything like that to them." I explained.

"Did she talk about any plans to meet anyone here?" Egon asked.

"Yeah, he lives nearby." I explained thinking of Gracie's new love interest.

"Alright, I'm going to report her for child abuse." Egon said as he started to get up to use a phone nearby but I stopped him.

"Wait no! Please don't! She'll send someone after me!" I quickly told him panicking. All of her friends hated me. She would think I reported her and send one after me.

"Vada, look at me." Egon told me putting his hands on my face."I promise nothing bad will ever happen to you. I will protect you."

"Alright, thank you." I said giving him a smile. He smiled and went for the phone. I hoped he could. Grandma said the exact same thing.

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