Chapter 4- Police Trouble

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"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" Ray asked me. Peter, Ray, and i were sitting inside a coffee while Egon was working outside. I was getting worried considering we've been inside for over a hour!

"Are you sure we shouldn't go check on him?" I asked looking at Ray and Peter.

"No we're fine." Ray aurssed me. I looked out the window again but this time i saw a police car.

"There's a police officer outside talking to Egon." I told them as both of them looked outside.

"Goddamnit!" Peter muttered as we bolted outside.

"Boss!" Egon called.

"Who told you to stop cutting? Someone tell you to stop cutting?" Peter started."Did you tell him to stop cutting?"

"Yes, I told him to stop cutting. What are you doing?" The cop asked.

"What does it look like we're doing? Why don't you let us work? We let you work!" Peter asked.

"Take it easy. He's been working overtime. I'll tell you why we're here, we're here because some diaper back downtown is being a jerk and making us work on a Friday night. And then that damn babysitter cancelled. Am I right, Peter?" Ray continued.

"Of course you're right, Raymond. Is he right, Ziggy?" Peter asked.

"Yo!" Egon said trying to act like someone who was cool. Everyone sort of laughs at him.

"All right, take it easy, all right?" The cop says as he drives away.

"What have you been doing?" Peter asked.

"What have I been doing? While you're getting coffee for an hour? I've been digging a big hole in the middle of the street!" Egon said annoyed.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

"Don't worry, Zig, Vada Bada was worried." Peter continued as we look down the hole.

"Wow! Looks like you've uncovered an old airshaft! It just goes on and on!" Ray exclaimed.

"It's very intense. We should get a deeper reading." Egon said.

"Yeah, we're gonna need a deeper reading." Ray agreed.

"Yeah, somebody has to go down there." Egon said.

"Yeah, somebody's gotta go down there." Ray said as Egon and Peter stared at him.

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