Chapter 10- Nightmare with a breakdown

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I bolted up in Egon's bed at his apartment

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I bolted up in Egon's bed at his apartment. I had another fucking nightmare about this thing that happened when I was seven. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered every single detail from that time.

I immediately bolted out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom. I held my mouth to keep from throwing up all over.

Unfortunately for me I couldn't fucking hold it in and threw up all over the goddam carpet. I was so fucking close to making it!

I started to get up so I could find something to clean this shit up as Egon appeared out of no where.

"Are you ok? Here go by the toilet just in case. I'll go find something to clean this up." Egon told me.

But before I couldn't tell him that I could clean it up myself, I ran to the toilet and threw up. I also had a flashback.

Egon gently held my hair back as I threw up again. I felt tears coming to my eyes as I remembered all events that happened that night.

After I was done, I slumped back up against the bathtub and buried my face in my hands and cried.

"Oh, don't worry about throwing up. I can totally clean it up." Egon reassuranced me but that wasn't the reason I've been crying.

"It's not about that." I said wiping my eyes.

"Oh." Egon said not looking sure of what to do. Then he did an "Oh" like he knew what to do next. He started stroking my back.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I decided to just tell him. I mean I should just get it over with. He has the right to know

"I was raped when I was seven years old." I replied. His face immediately went pale. He looked sick.

"I had a baby when I was eight. Her name was Martha. Like the song "Martha my Dear" I gave her up for adoption. I regret it. But I couldn't take care of her. She would of been three on January 1. I hope she's ok." I said crying more.

So we both sat there while I cried and Egon comforted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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