「Happy New Year and Surprise」

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A/N : Happy New Year 2018 guys :D This is a Speacial Chapter for celebrating New Year. Enjoy :b
*spoilers* This is where you'll start to reveal your secret. But.....



"Sylvia?" You knocked on her door at 3AM. "Hmm???" She opened the door. You went inside. "What's up?" She asked. "I-I want to reveal today!" You said.

"A-at Midnight." You stuttered. "B-but I'm afraid of t-them." You said.

"Afraid of what?" She yawned. "I-I'm scared t-they'll hate me." You said. "Hey, whatever they think or say, I'll always be there for you." Sylvia smiles.

"Have you trust them?" She asked. "Yes. Almost all of them. But yes." You smiled. "Then go for it!" She gave you a thumbs up then you leave.

Flashback Ends

"AHH!!! IT'S NEW YEAR!!!!" Pinkamena shouted across the room. "Pinkamena, New Year is at midnight." Jane said rubbing her eye. "I know! I can't wait for fireworks and blood!" She cheered. "Blood?!" Everyone came out from their rooms and asked.

"I've came up with a great idea. What if we kidnap a person then put them on the firework than blast off. After that, it'll explode and all blood will rain down in the woods!" She said. "Not bad." Sylvia said.

"I agree!" Jane joined in. "Hold up!" Jeff said. "How can we get fireworks? And how do we even light them when the last new year we failed lighting it up!" Jeff said. "Your fault." Jane said bluntly. "My fault?!"

"Yep, Pinkamena already light it up but then you put more fire and some gasoline in it making it blast off to someone's house." Jane said.

'Someone's house?' You asked. "Yeah..." Nina replied. 'You mean the bald guy and has bad manners in him as his house exploded into million pieces?'

"How did you know?" BEN asked. 'My house was just across his.' You said. "What the fuck?" Jeff said.

'Good thing it's kinda far. Or I'll be fixing the house.' You said. "Who should be kidnap?" Dr. Smiley asked. Everyone started to think but you grabbed their attention.

'I have couple of people in my school and neighbor that I wanted to kill them ever since I lived there. We could use them!'

"Sounds good." Liu said. "Y-yeah." Silver stuttered. "Hahaha... I can't wait hahaha...." L.J laughed.

"Well, for now let's decorate." Sonic said. "Even though outside is still snowing." Sonic added.

Everyone joined decorating the mansion. You, Kate, Nina, Pinkamena and Sylvia made cookies shapes again and some hot chocolate for later. Trenderman walks out from his room tossing some clothes on the sofa.

Each of them had name written on it. You got a red shoulderless dress with white and black dots on the short sleeves and a Y/N/I (Your Name Initial) pin for your hair.

Jane insisted to do the girls hair so all the girls gathered around on her room. Jane somehow watches her phone, your phone and the television. She unplug her TV, turned off her phone and told you to put your phone on her closet for a while.

"BEN might be watching us." She said. You giggled and nodded. She locked her closet and gives the key to you as she starts to made everyone's hair. After everyone's done, you open the closet and grabbed your phone then leave.

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