「More Nonfictions」

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A/N : I really wanated to do a Various One Shot. I really need your opinions guys. I' kinda afraid that no one would read or requests any. Well, tell me ur opinions in the comments. Enjoy!



You gulped as you were terrified, happy and nervous. You were sweating as you scratch the back of your neck leaving everyone to be confused. "Kid, are you alright?" Stan asked. You nodded furiously as you walked back slowly as you reached the door. You waved at them then starts to run.

You were tired but before you leave you heard a "See! I told you so! She doesn't like creepy old men like you either!" from the Shack as you assumed it was Dipper's voice. You kinda made it out of the woods as you pant but also stared at the place. You were at a plaza as a girl with short blue hair covering her right eye and wearing a maid dress bumped right into you.

She was holding a bag of apples as the apples fell out of her grocery bag. "I-I'm really sorry!" She apologies shyly. You gave her a warm smile as you helped her up. A guy with black hair and kinda like a jacket he's wearing which the colour was black, white and orange ran to both of you.

"Rem! Are you alright?" Henasked the blue haired girl. "Yes, I'm fine Subaru." The girl exclaimed. "I kinda bumped into this girl." She said pointing at you.

"Ah! Hello, I'm Subaru and this is Rem." The boy exclaimed. You gave them a sign language which this makes Subaru widened his eyes.

"Owh! Well it's nice to meet you Y/N." Rem said. "Y-you understand her?!" Subaru was surprised.

They both had a conversation as you were about to leave but Rem took your arm. "Come with us." She said.

You nodded as you followed them to a CASTLE?! Damn.

"Miss Emilia." Rem said. A girl with long silver hair ran downstairs as she looked at you. A flying cat was beside her. "I'd like you meet Y/N." Rem said.

"It's pleasure to meet you Y/N. Would you like to join us for lunch?" She asked. You shook your head as Rem said "she said itwould be very impolite if I joined in."

"Oh no! Please just join us, we'll be very glad if you do." She said. You sigh as you nodded.


You were now with Subaru on the park. "Why can't you talk though?" He asked. You would want to keep it a secret but it's best if some people knows too.

"I'm actually not." You said which makes Subaru flinches. "Y-you talk!" He said. You shushed him. "Look, this might be weird but, I only kept my voice because I don't want to hurt anybody." You said.

"Please don't tell anyone. I counting on you." You said. He nodded as you both were shocked. "T-the castle!" You both rna inside to saw a guy with green hair and weird eyes.

Shadows hand emerges from behind him as you said word. "Rebound" as the words fell back, the hands were now charging at him.

"How did you-" "C'mon!" You said as the both of you ran towards the basement. This makes you terrified. "Emilia?" Subaru shouted. The place was now frozen. A door was locked as Subaru touched the door knob and his hands turns into ice. "AHH!!" He shouted.

His hand fell off as he died. You were shocked but then when you blinked, you saw Rem was waving her hand infrong of you and Subaru. "Hello?" Rem asked. You smiled at her as you told her that you need a private talk to Subaru.

Voice of the Demon [Creepypasta X Reader][DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now