「Childhood friend?」

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Third Person View

"What do you mean E.J?" Sylvia ask.

The guy name E.J, was crying on the ground and kept chanting words like 'why? why didn't I save her?'.

You have a worried look for him. It felt like he's an important person to you but you don't know why or how.

You went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He look up at you and you smile warmly at him.

You type on your phone and gave him to see what you wrote.

'You know? I just had a vision that day that a little girl with H/C was running with a little boy with dark brown hair and he was wearing a blue mask. To the girl, she felt like that person was important to her and I know whoever you're saying or even me that i don't even know myself haha, might think you're still important to her'

He look at you and you smile warmly at him. You were off guard, he just hug you. He hug you tightly while crying.

You felt bad so you pat his back and returned the hug. Everyone in the mansion was worried.

Some how, Sylvia was showing a worried expression and a curious expression.

"I hope your memories will be back" Someone said. You look for the source of the voice and saw a girl with black hair and she was wearing a white mask with a black lipstick on the mask and black eyes.

"What do you mean Jane?" Masky ask. "You know her too?" Kate ask.

"I wish I can say yes but would she remember me?" The girl name Jane said.

"I hope you remember" she said.

"Y/N" The girl went back to her room with a sad aura. You look at her in pity. You fekt like you want to get whatever that memory is, back, but you can't even remember anything.

Until someone start saying. "Hey, why are you crying?" a boy with raven hair with a cut smile and burned eyelids ask.

You were shock then you felt some warm water stream down to both of your cheeks. You touch it and yes, you were crying. You wipe your tears away and you were surprised.

'Why did I cry?' you thought. 'I can hear you' said a voice in your head. You look at Slenderman and he told you on your mind.

'You can talk to me on your thought' he said and you nodded.

You stand up and went outside the mansion. You walk around for some fresh air and try to find some things. You saw another page that Slenderman put and touch it again.

Another memory was revealled on your mind.

"Papa, why are those butterflies black and dusty?" the H/C hair girl ask. "It's nothing my dear, c'mon, we need to go now" the man said as he lead the girl far away feom the creature. She gance over her shoulder and the butterfly land to the ground and turn to dust.

Her eyes widened and then she look foward again, trying to forget the butterfly.

Her father and her went inside a huge castle and every one of red horns creatures bow to them. She look around and saw a little boy with blue mask, little E.J, been push to a room by someone tall. "Why are you here?" her father's voice boom through the room.

Her eyes were locked together with the little boy's eyes sockets. "Sorry, he just went inside because he was curious" the tall man said.

"I don't wanna hear excuses, get the hell out from my castle!" her dad said as you see the tall man's face turns kinda angry and then he sigh. He had tendrils behind him and pick up the little boy.

Without another word.

They were gone.

You opened your eyes and saw a creature in front of you. It's a dog with a human-like smile. You type on your phone and give him a look. 'Hello there. What's your name?'.

He smiles and you type again. 'Smile?' he nodded. 'Smile the dog?' he then shook his head. "His name is Smile dog" a figure jump down from the tree.

The dog nodded and stare at you. You pet him and smile. The carved smile guy tilt his head. "I never saw Smile like someone else except for me. Guess you're lucky" the guy said.

You type on your phone and gave him a look. He read out loud "What's your name huh? My name's Jeff. Jeff the killer" he said. (Meme references).

You nodded. "You're Y/N right?" he ask. You nodded again and sat down under a thick tree. The sun was about to set as Smile curl up into your lap. Jeff sat beside you and an apple fell down right to his head.

"Shit" he cursed as her rubbed his head. You took the apple and split it in half by using your hand. You offered Jeff and he took it. You then split yours to hald again and give it to Smile. Smile eat the apple then start sleeping on your lap.

"Are you really mute?" Jeff ask. You look at him but he was facing the other way. He then look back as his eyes met yours.

You nodded but something was not right. "I know you're lying" he said. You shook your head as he sigh. "Fine then. I'll give you time to tell the truth. But remember, Me, Sylvia, Smile and Slender knows" he said.

You type on your phone and gave to him. 'I don't know how or why but I told you so' he narrow his eyes. "Looks like I lose" he chuckle lightly. He then start to fell asleep.

Your face drops. "I wish I could tell you why" you said. You wave your hand to him but he was really asleep. You sigh in relieve.

You look above and the moonlight shine through your silky hair and your shining face. The boys slept peacefully. You tried to wake Jeff up but....

Let's just say....

He pulls your hand and hug you. You blush furiously. His chest was warm so you felt your eyes going to close soon. You gave up from trying to stay awake so you sleep.

Your leg was still on the same spot so Smile still asleep. You then let the darkness consume you.

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