「Nonfiction Are Just Getting Real」

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You've waited another week so the christmas day will arrived. You were sitting in the living room and you heard some kind of Japanese language behind you. You turned around to face a boy with different side mask. It reminds you of an anime from Danganronpa which it was the bear who you assume is Monokuma. (Hahahahaha... sorry I love that anime so much).

Eventually, he noticed you staring at him as he waved a hand in front of you. Masky looked at you as you shaked your head.

"Hey Y/N, I'd like to intoduce you to Kagekao." He said as the Monokuma mask guy waved again. (If you don't know Monokuma, search the internet).

You waved back as you gave him a sign language. 'Hello I'm Y/N' "Konichiwa Y/N-san, I'm Kagekao." He said, bowing. You nodded as you jumped from the sofa. Kagekao explains that he couldn't speak English very well.

All your respond was 'It's ok, I understand some language since I watched some animes'

"You watch animes?!" He was really surprised. "Tell me what you watch!" Kagekao excitedly said as Masky gave you two some private conversation although you guys were just talking about Animes.

'Just some, like (Anime list you watch)'. He looked very excited as you were off guard by him hugging you.

You felt a bit awkward but you returned the gestured. He offered you if you wanted to watch some animes with him which you nodded. He went to his room as you were confused on how he moved so fast.

We came back with a pile of Anime DVDs. You were amused to see so much anime like Attack on Titans, Sword Art Online, Danganronpa 1 and Super Danganronpa 2, Assassination Classroom, Free!, etc.

It's funny for you of how a guy was actually addicted to animes. You've never seen someone like him to brought much anime DVDs. Guess he was crazy about animes.

As you pick your decision, you guys flopped on the sofa as you watch the movie.


Your eyelids were heavy but then you could felt weight on your right shoulder, it was Kagekao itself, snoring loudly. You closed your eyes but you were interupted by a screaming sound. You jolted back up and rushed to the kitchen not caring about the faling boy from your shoulder.

Then you had a horror view. It was the monster from the game. Straces. Butthis one is the female one. You could detected it by its body shape.

But you remembered one thing. You just watched AOT or which is called Attack On Titan asyou saw a long sword just right next to you. As you saw the name it have a 'Sylvia' name in it.

You look at Sylvia as she nodded. You breathed in and out as you launch at the Straces. The monster noticed your apperance as it yank your form from it's face. You landed in a cool position which make the room filled with 'woah's.

Within a few seconds, you started to threw some knifes at it as it was distracted. You launched at ut and landed on it's head. You quickly stab at her head which it cost the Straces to roared.

You stabed multiple times as it dies. You wiped out athe black blood on your face as everyone was stunned. Sylvia high five you as they were like 'What the fuck just happened?!'.

Kagekao was still asleep though. He suddenly woke up and started to watch Danganronpa. You were confused that he still wanted to watch the anime as you know that was one hella interesting anime. It's like Detective Conan and Shelock Holmes being together and make teenagers being detective ecen though they have to kill each other to get out from the horrible place.

You onced dreamed to be an Ultimate like the anime but you do know that those stuffs are nonfiction.

Or do you?

You shooked your head and watch a view episode where Naegi starts to doing the "NO THAT'S WRONG!" Part.

You were bored suddenly as you went down for a walk. You just passed by a shack which the S had been fallen as it read 'Mystery Hack'.

You went inside to be greeted by an old man with a tuxedo suit and a hat with a fish like Pacman eating a small yellow ball. He greeted you and took you to a toir of the so called 'Shack'.

2 teenagers just went downstairs and stare at you. "WOAH!!! SHE LOOK SO PRETTY!!!" The girl with long dark browned hair exclaimed making you blush a little.

The boy was reading a book with a hand with 6 finger and a letter '3' was on it.

He looked up to see you but then he undertsands you so sudden. "Mabel, don't bother her." The boy said to his sister. "Awww..." Mabel whined. "Anywho, I'm Stan, the guy who owned this place!" He said. "Thesenare my nephews! Mabel and Dipper."

"That's Soos and Wendy!" He pointed at a cool girl sitting on the table saying 'Sup' to you. You waved at her. Suddenly it hits you like a plane.

You looked at them in wide eyes.

You gave them a sign language as none of them understands except for Dipper. "So... You're mute..." he said. You gave him a 'seriously' look.

But there was one thing on your mind all this time. You kept thinking and thinking. 'What if all of these nonfiction were real." Which makes you hust your brain even more.

Then something just came out of your head.










And the only triangle who loves to make deals with peoples.

You looked around and sae so many triangles with eyes everywhere. You sighed and started to think again.

All this thing

Was based on the TV show you always watch

Well then...

Welcome to the infamous world that's called...



Holy god guys! I was heaving this mind that I should make an Various Character X reader. What do you guys think????

I really wanted to add Danganronpa and Gravity falls in it. And ofc everything else.

If it's a good idea to you guys, please leave a command. I'll be happy to know :D

Well now....


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