Why Romance

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   Keith was shaking. He had been so cautious. This could not be happening. Keith slammed the door open zooming to the bathroom. He quickly stripped his shirt off, looking all over his chest, stomach and back. Then he looked over to his shoulder. A small bud was there. Keith stared wide eyed. Why now?  Why McClain? He heard a voice traveling towards him, but he ignored it. Once it reached where Keith was, it froze. His older brother knew how Keith was about buds. He had been that way for a while himself. He was over it now, and in fact had several buds from different friends. Keith, however was not. Keith had ran home almost crying in seventh grade because of Pidge's bud, and they had known each other for a year. Pidge even knew  about the problem with the buds before she got her own placed on Keith's wrist. Keith did not like buds. So it was only natural for Shiro to wonder who the bud came from and why. That was a question for later. For now, Shiro needed to take the time to comfort his panicked younger brother.

{Time Skip to after Keith's mini panic attack}

Shiro sat with Keith on the couch. Keith was still a bit panicked. "What do I do?" Keith finally asked after several moments of silence. Shiro looked at him in sympathy. "There's nothing we can do." Keith clenched his fists and wanted to slam his head into something til died. "So I just wait til it falls off?!" Keith said, trying to sound angry but it came out more fearful. "Maybe it won't fall off. If you two stay friends." Shiro said, trying anything to calm the younger one down. That's when Keith thought, 'That's right, friends! Why did my mind go strait to romance?!' Keith stood up quickly. Shiro jumped a bit, keeping his eyes on his brother. Then, Keith simply walked to his room. Shiro decided it was best to give his younger brother some space.

'Why...Why romance?' Keith kept asking himself.

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