I'm here

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Lance had been fairly quiet today. He seems...concentrated...? Keith wondered what could be distracting Lance so much. He then bupped into someone, spilling his own books. "Sorry!" Keith mutteres. He heard a familiar chuckle amd froze. "It's alright Keithy~" Keith began to shale a little before a tan hand moved itself to his wrist. Lance imidiatly pulled Keith away, sending a glare towards Lotor.

When they finally stopped, Lance looks over to Keith, his eyes slowly widening. Keith noticed and followed his gaze to the scars on Keith's pale wrists. He yanked away, hiding them under the turtleneck sleeves. Lance stared in shock. "Keith...." Was all he made out. Keith began running. Lance would hate him now. He just knew it. He flew into the bathroom. Luckily no one was in there as he shut and locked the door. He let tears hit the ground. The scars on that wrist.. from where he tried so hard to erase his mother's memory from his head. He pulled out a small blade, not noticing the banging at the door.

Just one

He slid the blade across his wrist as The banging became slamming. He didn't notice.

Maybe one more?

He slid it again, letting blood fall off his arm.

You deserve this...

He slid the blade deeper a few more times before the door busted open, small chips flying. He engulfed Keith in a hug. He threw the blade across the bathroom. Keith allowed himself, against what he was telling himself in his mind, to sob into Lance's shoulder. Lance gently stroked his hair and hushed him.

It's okay, I'm here.

Spring All Year {Klance AU}Where stories live. Discover now