January extra

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Lights, camera, action

The small white vapours rose from the cup like a dangerous potion as Caitlin clutched the cup.  It was more for warmth as she stood on the set amongst the bright lights waiting to be called.  Snuggling up in her big Parka coat, Caitlin wondered whether being in the bastard love child of Toby Young and Tim Lovejoy or Heist as the Mockney drama was called, was a good idea.

'Come on let's get this fucking show on the road!'

Caitlin turned round and visibly groaned as she saw the well groomed beard and stylish haircut of the hipster director Christian.  With a flamboyant tartan scarf that would have put Tom Baker's Doctor Who to shame, he strode on set with his tight maroon jeans threatening to split with every movement.  A mean achievement considering that Christian was quite slim. 

Taking a sip of coffee that 'hilariously,' had 'delivering lousy service since 2004,' on it's cup, it was  from a café so niche that you couldn't find it never mind know what it was called, he now fixed his glasses.

'Right this is the club scene where Carly and Alfie take flight when things get a bit airy.'

Swivelling round so quickly that he would have put a poltergeist to shame, Christian clapped his hands signalling that it was time for the cameras to roll.

'Get into position!' 

Caitlin glanced at her gold low cut plunging neck line dress.  Sometimes she wondered what on earth her agent was doing getting her work like this.  No doubt the feisty girl had to be sexy or have a large cleavage.  That incidentally was not far off the truth as Christian had asked for a 'street wise, adorable, sexy girl (with a bit of extra oomph!) with plenty up front!'

The lines were crass and more Van Dyke 'cor blimey Guv'nor,' that it would have made Guy Ritchie wince. Still Caitlin did her best as one of the other characters Monk Fish ogled her cleavage and declared to Alfie 'blimey, I thought Van Diesel had walked in.'

Half way through the production, Caitlin was getting incredibly more pissed off with the touchy feely Christian who was getting more like an octopus.  The love scenes were awkward as Caitlin felt that they were more for titillation and for the Mockney nuts and Blinders readers.  It ended with Alfie's door being kicked in as they pretended to have sex as he held his gun at the intruders.

That was the end of Caitlin's involvement in heist as her character got killed.  Despite Christian's whining for a drink and future projects, Caitlin took a wide berth and mentally remembered to seriously consider any jobs involving that eejit. 

Portrait of a Sunday league player

It was cold. That was for certain. Calam wasn't even allowed the luxury of acclimatising as the January chill viciously pinched him all over. Caitlin stirred in her sleep and hugged one of her pillows tightly. Sleep was something that Caitlin loved as much as mint and chocolate ice cream. Something that was savoured as much as Calam loved a good football match.

Moving quietly, Calam knew that she had woken but knowing that he was out playing football meant Caitlin couldn't be bothered to acknowledge. Of course she would be out running in the afternoon before deciding on how to spend their evening.

After his mobile phone predicted heavy showers for the morning, Calam glanced and grimaced like a ship's Captain as he surveyed the dark foreboding clouds outside. Hopefully it would hold off as the ground was muddy enough as it was.

Getting to the pitches up by Iron Marsh was pretty much being on auto pilot as he didn't realise how he actually got there. Recently Calam had been surfing the black moods and part of him didn't want to be out here on a cold pitch. But then he had to pretend that everything was normal, well not pretend but to get out there and keep up the routine. Besides the feel of that heavy football could kick start his mood that it was good to be alive.

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