June - The Somenwende festival

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For once the weather forecast was correct with blue skies welcoming the Rapido airbus into Berlin Schonefeld airport.  The flight was perfect that even Calam had to admit that 'it was a okay flight.'  Granted he clutched the hand rest as though his life depended on it as the plane started to shake as it made the descent to land but a straight forward flight. 

'Told you we would be okay,' Caitlin smiled as Calam looked relieved that they had landed on terra firma.  Squeezing his hand, Caitlin beckoned on him to wait a bit as the made dash was made to leave the plane. 

'Heard anything from Vanessa?'  Aimee asked.

There was a slight frown from Caitlin as she glanced at the Thunderbird uniform that she had to wear not that long ago.  If it had been Luke, Pam, or even Steph then Caitlin would have taken the enquiry as genuine.  As she hardly knew Aimee it smacked of someone trying to find gossip. 

'Where's me passport?'  Calam said patting his pocket, which at least offered a diversion.

'Is it in your bag?'  Caitlin asked frowning at what would be a delay in getting through customs and then having to get an emergency passport to get home.

'Here's it is!'  Calam replied triumphantly as he put on the performance to rival Marlon Brando. Sensing that Caitlin was feeling uncomfortable he offered an escape route

Breathing a sigh of relief there was no more dramas as they got through customs and made their way to the train station to get to the centre of Berlin.  Hopefully Vanessa, sorry Yasmeen had got there okay.  On cue, Caitlin's mobile phone rang and quickly accepted the call. 

'Hola!'  Caitlin said.  'Nessa!  Sorry Yasmeen.  You're there already!  Same here I can't wait to see you babe!'  A laugh broke out.  'We're just getting the train so shouldn't be that long.  We'll text when we are around the corner.'  'Oh Emma and Matty are with Jesper so they should get here fine.'

On the road to nowhere

'I thought you said to take a left?'  Matty sighed as they seemed to be on a small road surrounded by countryside. 

'Relax,' Jesper replied dreamily as he took a tug at his cigarette and blew the smoke out of the window.  'This is a cool short cut.'

'How far now?'  Emma asked.

Jesper shrugged and looked at his watch.  By his estimate they should be there in a hour, something that seemed to placate Matty and Emma.

Thunderbirds reunited

A loud screech and the thud of bags caused a few people in the queue to confirm their bookings for camping.  Not that Caitlin and Yasmeen cared as they hugged each other like long lost friends from twenty years ago.  Mind you it felt like that considering what had happened to Yasmeen in Turkey. 

'Are they sisters?'  Someone asked Calam.

'Yeah, you could say that,' grinned Calam as Yasmeen now gave him a hug. 

'It's so great to see you,' Yasmeen beamed.  After everything that happened it was good to escape all the shit Yasmeen had to endure.  Furthermore she would be with her best mate Caitlin. 

A loud cackle of laughter seemed to confirm this as Calam and Caitlin now went to the bemused receptionist to book in.  Hopefully Matty, Jesper, and Emma wouldn't be too far away.

Are we there yet?

'So,' Matty sighed.  'You've never actually taken this road before?'

Glancing around the country fields and the small road ahead, Jesper was sure that they couldn't be that far off Berlin.  After all the Germans were meant to be super efficient. 

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