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Have at me

Undoubtedly, my father was the most significant male influence and role model. I wanted to be like him. When I left the corps, I'd become a cop and start a family. My heart desired this, and my parents were to thank for it.

Theo, however, was different. He was a warrior. He knew how to get violent and never regretted his decisions. We're here because his morality refused to compromise. He would put his own life and career on the line to protect the girl. This was bravery, and I viewed it as the epitome of heroism.

But now I felt the need to protect him. "What are you going to do, Theo?"

"Don't know, buddy. But how do you love a woman who doesn't know how to be loved?"

Shaking his head, he turned away from me. Protecting this girl finally made sense. Through her, he was protecting his children from an estranged wife and a scumbag.

"Let 'em go," he said. He wiped his eyes. "I'm gonna let 'em go." He adjusted his sling and checked his rifle. "I couldn't turn my back on Aaina, but I will have to turn my back on my family, at least for now. I just don't know what else I can do."

"Combat effective," I said as I looked at the dust and rocks at my feet.

"Combat effective," he replied.

"Did you see it coming, Staff Sergeant?" I asked. He stopped to gather himself, holding on as best he could.

"Maybe I should have," he said. "We weren't getting along at all. The kids saw it, they told me, but I never thought this would- "

He patted me on the leg and paused, almost as if he was going to say something, but decided against it-he pulled himself up, and crept out of the barn. His silhouette receded into the darkness as I settled back into the cold of the night. I heard my mother's voice reading to me again from Peter and the Lost Boys.

Foolish Tootles was standing like a conqueror over Wendy's body when the other boys sprang, armed, from their trees.

"You are too late," he cried proudly, "I have shot the Wendy. Peter will be so pleased with me..."

"Peter was bringing her to us."

He threw himself sorrowfully on the ground.

"A lady to take care of us at last," said one of the twins, "and you have killed her."

"When ladies came to me in dreams, I said, 'Pretty mother, pretty mother.' But when at last she really came, I shot her."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself up. I took cover behind a pile of concrete and a broken-down stove. My legs and feet tingled with numbness from the stillness and the cold. A passing breeze snatched my breath into the moonlight.

The tedious task of strong-pointing the village bordered on insanity. I was up two hundred and ten rounds, almost a full load-out. As a team, we were solid. However, the round incompatibility with the villagers' AKs could become an issue if they overran us.

My father once told me in very generic terms to be careful what I prayed for. There is something to be said for the simple. It stays with you, an easy recall in times like these when the warning applies.

Fear constricted my chest. I just wanted this to kick off. When I thought about what was coming.

"All Kilos, Chief has movement, our two o'clock," said Red over the comms. "Squad-size unknown moving over the berm. He's lost visual. How copy?"

Viking was quick to answer, having found the foot mobiles. "Copy all, Red... I've got eyes on."

Several moments passed. I looked at my three o'clock. I knew my optic was useless in the dark, but I hoped with the moonlight, it would shadow someone, anyone.

"I can talk you on target," said Viking calmly. How copy?"

Energy pulsed through my veins, the trepidation turning to the excitement for the fight. "Copy that, Viking," replied Red. "Send it."

"Does he have visual on the oven near the stone wall? " Said Viking. "Call your contact." A brief pause allowed Red to relay the information to Chief.

I smiled in anticipation of the shot. I readjusted my grip on my rifle as I tapped my trigger finger against the receiver.

"Contact," replied Red. He and Viking were calm and professional.

"Red, fifteen meters just outside of the berm, heading towards the bend on the stone wall. Call contact."

Whoever this bad guy is, he's a dead man.

"Contact, Chief has it- standby for the shot," replied Red. "Theo, how copy?"

"Solid copy on all," said Theo. "Ready for your shot. Take 'em."

The report from Chief's rifle tore through the deafening silence. With the night's stillness corrupted, a fury of blind enemy gunfire flashed at ghosts and shadows.

"Dark and sinister, man," I said. "Have at thee."

The Fear That Haunts MeWhere stories live. Discover now