Chapter 45

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~Princeton's Pov~

I raced through the hospital doors

"Sir can I help you?"

I didn't answer the lady I pushed the button to the elevator rapidly waiting for it to open the doors opened and is stepped inside quickly pressing the button to the 3rd floor

The ride felt long and I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for the doors to open the elevator finally came to a halt and the doors slid open I raced off the elevator and ran straight to Prodigy's room

"Prodigy!" I shouted

"H-h-hey Princeton." He coughed out "What are you doing here?"

"Prodigy you look terrible." I stated

"I feel terrible too." He explained "but why are you here?"

"I came to apologize I'm sorry for that day I snapped at you I had a lot of shit going on please Prod forgive me." I begged

"Princeton I-I-Its okay.."he said as he coughed blood spluttering onto his hospital gown he used the back of his hand to wipe the blood off his mouth

"What's wrong with you?" I asked

"Nobody told you he asked." Bursting into a coughing fit."I have cancer Princeton I'm dying."

"No your not!" I yelled feeling tears burning at my eyes "Prodigy you can't leave me you can't leave us."

"Princeton I want to die I'm tired of being in pain I'm tired of fighting and I spent my time with you , I spent time with all of you , this is why I arranged this trip to spend one last time with you guys I love all of you."

"Prod why didn't you tell us?" I asked

"I-I-I just couldn't Tell Bahja and my mom and everybody else that I love them and Princeton thank you for being there for me when no one else was I-I love you..."

Prodigy's eyes closed slowly

The remote he had in his hand fell to the ground and his head fell too the side

And His machine just beeped

The doctors and the nurses ran into the room

"I'm so sorry...Young man." The doctor said as he rubbed my back

I watched as the nurses unhooked his body and hauled him away..

And I just stood there in a dazed state..

A/n: I cried while writing this this was the hardest thing for me to write :/

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