Chapter 13

536 13 1

~Zonnniques Pov~

Ray Ray hung up the receiver and blew some air out of his cheeks

"Their onto us."

"Why you say that?" Bahja asked still running her hand through her wet hair.

"Think about it Isn't it funny how after Zonnique's mom called her , Walter called me right after?" Ray Ray spoke looking around at everyone

"Ray that doesn't mean anything." Bre said as she stood up and went to the kitchen to pour her something to drink

"Yes it does." Ray Ray snapped "It may not mean anything to you guys but back in Atlanta there's some shit going on with our parents I can just feel it."

Prodigy snickered and held his head down

"You think this shit is funny?" Ray Ray asked standing up "Is that all you guys ever take me as a fucking joke? I know I may be all fun and games but there's also a time when I'm serious."

"Ray calm down N-" Prodigy began

"You want me to calm down?" Ray Ray asked as he smiled off to the side out of anger "I think not this was your fucking idea and you want me to calm down , when I get home I'm probably gonna get an ass whooping out of this world an you want me to calm down?"

"WELL YOU DIDNT HAVE TO COME YOU ACT LIKE I HELD YOUR ASS AT GUNPOINT AND MADE YOU COME!" Prodigy yelled as he stood up "All I wanted to do was hang out with my best friends for one month and all of a sudden Walter , & Ms.Tameka call and you turn into a little bitch?" Prodigy asked glaring at Ray Ray

"What the hell did you just call me you little Reject Chris brown wanna be?"

"A little bitch!" Prodigy yelled

Ray Ray gritted his teeth and pushed Prodigy , prod caught his composure and managed to push Ray Ray back sending him stumbling over the couch

Ray Ray got up and charged towards Prodigy sending him a blow To his face
Prodigy fell onto the floor holding his face

"WHOS THE LITTLE BITCH NOW?" Ray Ray asked as he hovered over Prodigy preparing to send him another blow to his face

Roc Royal grabbed Ray Ray and pushed him off to the side

"Ray chill out."

"Don't tell me to chill out!" Ray Ray yelled

"I swear every time we get around each other it's just like hell on earth , we're supposed to be brother and sister!" Baby Doll Yelled

"We'll it's too late for brother and sister." Roc Royal said as he coughed

Princeton looked at roc and looked away

"And it seems like somebody always got some smart shit to say." Princeton said as he looked at Roc Royal

Roc Royal scoffed and continued trying to calm Ray Ray down

"You know what Babydolls right!" I yelled as I stood up

"But how can we be brother and sister when you and p-" Roc Royal Began

"With the exception of me and princeton." I said as I rolled my eyes at Roc Royal "But we really need to get along I want this trip to last not to turn out to where we all end up hating each other and not talk to each other ever again for crying out loud you boys are stuck with each other you guys are band mates , basically brothers. Of course your gonna have your ups and downs but to argue over something so simple it's not worth loosing your respect towards eachother." I said as I looked at the boys

"Zonnique your right were broders." Ray Ray said making Prodigy smile

"I'm sorry prod , I shouldn't have blown up on you." Ray Ray said as he held his arms open to pull prodigy into a man hug

"It's okay I'm sorry too man." Prodigy said returning Ray Ray's hug

"Alright! Let's go and rest because tomorrow we're turning up!"

The room filled with cheers as everyone exchanged good nights and went to sleep.

A/n:I'll update again tonight sorry for any spelling errors I don't proof read like I should (/.\)



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