Chapter 5 - "You think I'm hot?"

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The lonely valet attendant jumped to attention as Kit's Porsche's headlights lit up the night and pulled up under the overhang. Kit barely had time to reach for her bag before he had opened her door and offered her his hand.

"Good evening miss. Welcome to the Highland Resort. Are you checking in?" he asked as he helped her out of the car.

"Not tonight. I'm here to see a friend," she said, making her voice light and airy.

"Excellent. If you'll head in through the front doors, anyone at the front desk would be happy to assist you," the attendant said.

She gave him her best poised smile and accepted the valet ticket.

"Thank you," she said.

She did her best to walk gracefully as she headed for the large glass doors and hide her entertainment at the service she received simply based on her mode of transportation.

The Highland Resort was luxurious in its size and decor. The outside was cream stone and the spotlights that illuminated it in the dark made it feel four times larger then it was.

Kit gave a small nod to the doorman as he opened the door for her and she stepped into the quiet, elegant lobby. She quickly assessed the single man at the front desk then jutted her chin out.

"Good evening," she said. She gave a small nod in his direction as she passed the desk without any hesitation.

"Good evening," he said without any question, imitating her formal manner.

She kept her walk rigid as she passed and didn't let the victorious smirk slid onto her face until she turned down a hallway. She bounced along until she found doors leading to the patio and pushed them open.

The patio was dotted with heaters and fire pits with only embers left. A few couples were nestled into large couches, enjoying the privacy of the late hour. Kit skirted along the outside of the furniture and headed for the tall wrought iron fence encircling the pool.

She tried the gate but wasn't surprised when she found it locked. She walked along the fence, looking for an easy place to climb. Along the side of the pool, and out of sight from the cuddling couples, she found a large pot to use as a step. With the help of a sole light, Kit could see the pool area was closed and the covers had already been placed on the pool and Jacuzzi.

"I can finish up so you can head out," someone said just beyond the fence.

"Alright. Night Eddie," another guy said.

"Night Danny," Edison said.

Kit waited until Edison's coworker left and she heard the gate clanging shut behind him before she hopped over the fence. She landed silently but her flip flops slapped against the concrete as she moved forward and gave her presence away.

"Sorry, but we're close for the night," Edison called over his shoulder.

"Even for me?" she asked.

He bolted upright and turned in surprise. "Kit! What are you doing here?"

She gave a casual shrug. "I felt like a swim."

He gave her a regretful look.

"Sorry but the pool is closed," he said.

She twisted her mouth in disappointment.

"Bummer. I guess I'll just leave then." She started to walk back towards her entry point but her steps were slow.

"Are you really going to leave after you came all the way here?" Edison asked.

She stopped.

"Just cause the pool is closed doesn't mean you have to leave," he said.

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