Chapter 22 - "Only the special ones."

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"I'm sorry Miss, but we can't allow you pool access unless you are a guest staying with us. Or a timeshare owner."

Kit squinted her eyes as she studied the woman behind the front desk. Her name tag read Laura, and everything about her looked friendly except her eyes.

"What about a day pass?" Kit asked. 

"Unfortunately, we don't have day passes," Laura said, without a hint of regret in her voice. "We can't allow you pool access unless you are a guest staying with us, or a timeshare owner." Kit nodded, but didn't move, not ready to give up. "Miss, if there is nothing else I can help you with, would you kindly mind moving so I can help our guests." 

Kit gave her a big fake smile and moved aside. The Highland Resort lobby was a different place in the day time. It bustled with guests. Clattering dishes sounded from the restaurant, and splashes floated in from the pool. Kit moved to get a better view of the pool area and she could see Laura watching her. She turned back towards the front door, pulled out her phone and dialed Edison's phone for the tenth time. 

His deep, smooth voice welcomed her to his voicemail and she hung up. She scanned the lobby one more time. She was ready to find out what Jaxon was doing, when she spotted a familiar face exiting the door behind the front desk. Ollie paused to say something to Laura before rounding the desk. Kit smiled as he began to walk in her direction and casually leaned against the wall. 

"They really should fire you," she said, as he neared.

He was stunned by her statement, before he smiled in recognition. 

"You came back," he said with a flirty smile. His last few steps towards her held an extra dose of swagger.

"It took you long enough to notice," she joked, standing up straight. "I've been conversing with the lovely woman at the front desk for the last fifteen minutes. Were you taking a nap in that security room of yours?" 

He grinned. "First off, no one calls Laura lovely," he said.

They both looked to Laura behind the front desk, her smile as fake as the potted plant next to her. 

"She's a pleasant as a French waiter," Kit countered. 

He chuckled. "Secondly, maybe I did see you." 

She nodded in understanding. "You just didn't want to seem eager," she guessed. He smiled coyly. "What game were you playing on your phone?" she asked.

He laughed. "If you must know, I just scored my personal best on Angry Birds. But don't let my boss know," he added in a whisper. 

"My silence will cost you."

"What's the price?" He winked at her. "I remember a date mentioned when we met. I'm free tonight." 

"That's definitely not too eager," she teased. He gave a casual shrug. "My price isn't that high. I just want access to the pool." 

Ollie nodded in understanding. "You and every other teenage girl in Lighthouse Point," he said.

She smirked. They were thinking about the same lifeguard.

"He already has plenty of girls. Are you sure I can't persuade you to go in a different direction?"

Ollie pointed at himself. She laughed, and gave him a regretfully sweet smile. He let out a frustrated sigh.

"I knew I should have gotten you to agree to that date the first time we met. Eddie and his damn charm." 

"He really is the worst!" she agreed. 

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