Chapter 11 - "It's all about the booty."

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Kit opened her front door, assessed Edison's outfit and shook her head in disapproval. In return, his eyes shot up in surprise.

"Wow!" was all he said as he stared at her outfit. "Is there even a name for that color?"

"Edison, what are you wearing?" she asked. He had paired his bright red swim trunks and tank top with neon tennis shoes.

"A better question is, what are you wearing? And can you please change, because it's hurting my eyes." He held up his hand as if to block his eyes from her outfit.

"This is golf course appropriate," she said, motioning to her bright green and pink argyle sweater vest and matching bright green skirt.

"Whatever it is, it's too much for my eyes," he laughed as he slipped past her into her house.

"Edison, if you would like to join Jaxon and me in a game of golf then you will have to change," she said. She shut the front door and followed him as he wondered in and out of rooms.

"I can wear this. I don't have sleeves to get in the way of my swing." He pantomimed swinging his club. "Where is Jaxon?"

"He is getting the golf cart. And that thing you are wearing could barely be called a shirt."

"It's hot. It's summer time," he argued.

"Edison, coming from a family that respects the sport of golfing," she bit her lip to hold on to her serious tone as his eyebrows shot up, "I can't let you on the course dressed like that."

"The sport of golfing?" he asked. "Try getting tackled by a two hundred pound football players and then tell me golf is a sport."

"Regardless. My course, my rules." She put her nose in the air like a snobby heiress, but gave him a playful smile.

He studied her for a moment before giving in. "Fine, but I don't have anything to change in to."

"It's okay. You're close enough to Jaxon's size. He brought an extra set of clothes." She turned and headed back towards the stairs.

"Good to know you also make Jaxon dress up and you aren't just torturing me," he said. He followed her up the stairs and into one of the empty bedrooms.

"He always dresses appropriately. Here you are." She opened the closet to reveal a golfing outfit matching to hers. Bright green pants, a white polo and a green and pink argyle sweater vest. He gave her a flat look.

"If we can't be the best on the course then at least we will look the douchiest," she said in a proper accent. She gave him a serious look before a wide grin spread across her face. "I take my golfing very seriously," she added with a wink. He gave her outfit another look, shook his head.

"Now, tup tup. Carry on. Jaxon is waiting for us and we don't want to miss our T off," she said as she left the room.

As she finished lacing up her shoes, she heard footsteps on the stairs and turned to find Edison glowering at her as he came down. The clothes fit reasonably well. Jaxon was a little taller so Edison had cuffed the pants, but Edison's arms were bigger and strained the sleeves of the polo.

"Not a word about how I look Kittery," he threatened.

She pursed her lips and obeyed, although her only comment would have been the fact that he still looked good, even in green and pink argyle. She put on her visor and led the way to the back door. Jaxon was lounging on the back of the golf cart, wearing an orange and yellow argyle sweater vest.

"What oh, good fellow!" he said with an accent when he saw Edison.

"Nice sweater," Edison laughed.

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