Chapter 34 - "I deserve answers."

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"Kit! Kit!"

Jaxon's faint voice slowly broke through the darkness Kit was drowning in. She strained to hear the voice more clearly, to find its source and hold on.

She blinked her eyes open, catching a glance of Jaxon hovering over her, before the darkness pulled her under again.


A violent jolt pulled Kit from her bleak abyss. Rough movement sent pain shooting through every nerve. Her eyes flew open, but all she could make out were blurry shapes in a quickly moving world. Voices spoke over each other and she tried to grab on to some of the words.

"She's my cousin." She recognized Jaxon's voice. "She has this condition with -"

She attempted to return his hand squeeze, but the effort sent her under again.


Bright lights woke Kit, every inch of her throbbing with pain. All she wanted was to return to the darkness, where she didn't feel at all.

Someone slipped something over her face and she gratefully slipped back into nothingness.


Word's swam together in Kit's mind and she tried to block them out. She sought out the darkness, but it was nowhere to be found as she began to wake up.

"...we'll update her parents."

"...they can call me with questions."

"...arrive tomorrow."

Pain was the second thing to greet her, but it was not as strong. Her body felt like lead, but her lungs were still kicking. She sucked in the deepest breath she could manage. The effort sent a wave of pain shooting through her chest and a faint sound escaped her lips.

She slowly opened her eyes to find four faces peering down at her.

"Kit Kat," Jaxon said quietly.

Over his shoulder stood her aunt Rachel and uncle Scott, concern and relief in their eyes. Any response was out of Kit's reach, but she managed to hold Jaxon's gaze.

"Miss St James, how are you feeling?"

She turned to see a doctor in a white coat studying her. His words didn't compute right away as her eyes jumped from the faces to the white and sterile room around her.

She opened her mouth to speak but it was dry, and something felt caught in her throat. She raised her hand and discovered an IV tube connecting her to a beeping machine.

"My throat," she managed to croak out.

"Have some water," the doctor said, holding a paper cup up to her lips.

Some of the cool water made it into her mouth, but most of it dribbled down her chin before she swallowed it. The doctor helped her try to drink a few more times before she waved the cup away. The small amount of water she had managed to get down had helped, but she had mostly succeed at soaking herself.

"I know it's difficult with the tubes," the doctor said. "Once we are sure you can breathe on your own, we can remove them."

Kit's hand went to her nose and she could feel rubber tubes in each nostril. This was all familiar.

"Can you tell me how you are feeling? Do you know why you are here?" the doctor asked.

Her audience held their breath, waiting for her answer. Her thoughts felt sluggish and hazy. She felt like death, but was still somehow breathing.

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