Chapter 9 - "I was born ready."

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Edison offered Kit his hand as she caught up to him and she took it. His short hair was slicked back on the sides from sweat but she thought he hadn't looked cuter.

"Don't think I forgot your bold statement about being MVP," he said.

She chuckled as he led her through the large gray buildings.

"I think I have a strong case," she said.

"I made a touchdown off an interception," he argued.

"That interception only happened because Drew doesn't really think girls can play football and wouldn't throw me the ball."

"That's your argument?"

"I think it's a fair point."

"You want to argue that you earned MVP by standing on the field and Drew's sexism?" he said. 

"I'm glad you agree."

"No, no, no. I never said that."

"Does that mean I don't get a MVP kiss?" She bit back a smile when he gave her a stunned look.

"I guess you played a key part in the interception," he said, with a casual shrug. His eyes flickered to her lips.

She smiled. "You're welcome!"

She turned and tapped her cheek, waiting for a kiss. But he put a finger beneath her chin, turned her face back to him and planted a light kiss on her lips.

"A real MVP deserves a real kiss," he said. He took her hand again and continued walking.

"Very smooth, Reigns," she said. "Just don't make it a habit."

"What? Calling you MVP?" he joked.

She smiled and gave him a playful nudge with her shoulder.

"Now, tell me, oh great adventurer, where are we headed?" she said. 

"Here," he answered as they rounded the back of the gym.

She took in their surroundings. A few dumpsters lined a wall, the concrete was dotted with black spots and there was a hint of trash smell in the air.

"I like it," she said. "It has potential."

He handed her the pizza. "You are right."

He climbed up on a dumpster located beneath a ladder attached to the side of the building.

"Come here," he said, holding out his hands.

She complied and handed him the pizza. She took his hands and he easily pulled her up next to him.

"You ready?" he asked, looking up at the ladder that climbed to the top of the three story building.

"I was born ready," she said, reaching for the first rung.

But she was singing a different tune when she reached the roof, out of breath from climbing. She looked down to find Edison climbing with one hand, their pizza balanced in the other.

"I'm impressed, Reigns!" she called down to him.

He gave her a look of disbelief. "I took you up a mountain, for a ride on a gondola and won a football game, but this is what impresses you?" he called back.

She shrugged with a smile.

"I've been working way too hard," he grumbled.

"Here, let me help," she offered as he neared the top.

She took the pizza from him and stepped back as he climbed over the ledge and joined her.

The high school was located almost in the middle of Lighthouse Point. One side of the gym overlooked the neat rows of the downtown, while the other side overlooked the neat rows of neighborhoods. By the time they were settled on top of a metal electric box, the sun was low in the sky, illuminating everything with a warm, orange light.

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