Chapter 23 - "Don't fall asleep on me St James."

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"Mom, I'm home!" Edison called out as they walked through the front door.

He dropped his backpack by the door and kicked off his flip-flops. The scent of butter and garlic drew them towards the kitchen.

"Did I mention my mom's garlic bread?" he asked over his shoulder.

"You didn't but it smells amazing!"

"It's the best thing you'll ever taste."

"Hey honey. How was your day?" Edison's mom asked as he entered the kitchen. She was washing dishes in the sink. She stopped when she saw Kit. "Kit, it's good to see you again." She had the same smile as Edison.

"You too," Kit smiled back. "The garlic bread smells amazing!"

"Thanks. There is still some left. I put it in the oven to keep it warm," she said.

"Did you guys eat?" Edison asked, as he opened the oven.

He pulled out half a loaf of bread wrapped in tinfoil and a china dish filled with spaghetti.

"Yeah. Annie and Rachel were eager to start their girls night."

"Rachel's here?" Edison asked.

Kit peeked over his shoulder at the food. He took a bite from a piece of garlic bread before offering it to her. He moved to the cabinets and started to pull out dishes and utensils. She sat at one of the barstools, happy to finish the piece of garlic bread and listen to Edison and his mom talk.

"Yeah, she is sleeping over. Kit, would you like some parmesan cheese?" his mom asked. She was already at the fridge before Kit could say yes. She slid it across the counter. "How was work?"

Kit ate most of her spaghetti and a few more pieces of garlic bread as Edison told his mom about his day, leaving out his many admirers.

"They seem to really like him at the resort," his mom told Kit. Kit just nodded and smiled, knowing his mom meant his employers and not the female guests. "I don't know why," she jokingly added. "I can't get him to put away his laundry or take out the trash."

"I always take out the trash," Edison argued. "And I don't see the point of putting my laundry away if I'm just going to wear it again."

"But you leave it out for weeks."

"I know, but you fold it so nice and neatly, it doesn't look bad on my desk."

"The desk I bought for you to study at."

Edison's mom rolled her eyes in exasperation but there was no real annoyance in her tone. It seemed like an argument they had been having since Edison was old enough to put his own laundry away, and one they would be having until he moved out.

"What are you two kids doing for the rest of the night?" his mom asked. She had finished the dishes and was leaning against the counter. Her tone was relaxed and not prying.

Edison and Kit looked at each other questioningly. Their plan hadn't extended further then spaghetti.

"I don't know," Edison shrugged. "Maybe watch a movie?"

"You could always join Annie and Rachel," his mom offered. "They're watching your favorite, A Walk to Remember." Her eyes sparkled with humor at her own joke.

"I would rather pour bleach in my eyes," he said flatly while Kit chuckled softly.

"Alright. Then you can watch something in the family room. I'll read in the study," she said.

She gave Edison a knowing parental look without feeling overbearing and kissed his head as she left the kitchen. He wiped the kiss away immediately but there was no annoyance on his part.

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