Chapter 4 - "Am I going to regret this?"

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Kit's doorbell rang and she quickly pulled her shorts and tank top over her bathing suit. The doorbell echoed through the house again as she skipped down the stairs. Throwing the door open, she smiled when she found Edison waiting on her doorstep. He was wearing red swim trunks and a lifeguard tank top.

"You're just in time," she said.

He frowned. "For what? I didn't tell you I was coming over."

"I just need to grab my stuff and then we can go," she said.

She left him standing at the door and hurried back to her room.

"Where are we going?" he called after her.

"Drew's," she answered.

She ran back upstairs and quickly threw her things in her bag. Coming back downstairs, she found he had taken a few hesitant steps into the house and was giving the space a curious look.

"I like what you've done with the place," he said.

She looked around. Her house was dominated by two features. Tall, white walls and honey wood floors polished to a shine. The rooms were completely empty, not a single piece of furniture in sight, making the house feel tomb-like.

"It's very minimalistic," he said.

"Fancy term."

"My mom watches the home repair channel," he shrugged.

"Wanna know the best feature?" she asked.

She didn't wait for an answer before she let out a howl. Her voice bounced around the empty rooms, reverberating back to them.

"Give it a try," she said. She smiled when he hesitated.

"You know you want to," she taunted.

He gave a tight lipped smiled before giving a weak hoot.

"Pathetic!" she said. "You gotta put your back into it."

She threw her head back and let out long howl. She smiled as her voice danced around the room.

"Your neighbors might worry you're being attacked by wolves," he said.

She shrugged. "Your loss."

"But seriously," he said. "Did you get robbed?"

"Nah. My parents offered to furnish the house, but I told them it wasn't necessary. Shall we?" she asked, waiting by the door.

"You really want to go to Drew's?"

"I do."

Edison looked at his phone.

"It's almost four. Weren't you suppose to be there a few hours ago? They'll already be back from the boat ride," he argued.


He gave her a confused frown.

"I want to make an appearance, but I wasn't ready to commit to a full boat ride," she explained.

"Being stuck on a boat with Drew doesn't seem appealing?" he asked.

"I always think about my exit strategy. I'm a good swimmer, but not that good."

He laughed. "As someone who has been on Drew's boat, I say you made the right call."

"You're just saying that because you're glad I'm not with Drew."

"Maybe," he said coyly.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go," she said, ushering him out the door.

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