Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Randy doesn't want to battle his relatives! Randy won't battle! Randy won't!" Randy's cries echoed around the busy Driftveil streets.

"Please tell him to be quiet!" Amos moaned to Leia, who was trying to hold a squirming Randy.

"I'm... trying!" She spluttered as Randy screamed again.

"Put a sock in his mouth!" Hugh snapped at her.

His sister glared at him, and Leia's newly evolved Lucario barked. "Randy, BE QUIET, FOR ARCEUS' SAKE!" the Sandile almost choked but stopped.

Ringdog had evolved while Leia and Hugh were on Route 6 the day before. Amos had occasionally wondered what White would do if she saw Ringdog, since her own Lucario was dead.

Randy had been screeching his head off for awhile now, and all the other pokemon had suggested to each other about throwing him off the tallest building. Sky Blue was all for that plan, but Leia was very upset when he asked her of he could put that plan into action.

Leia was now heading for her gym battle with the Driftveil gym leader, and would go to the gym with Hugh. Her Audino, Servine, Lucario, and Sandile were trained well, and Mira had even said she had a chance.

"Can you just put him in your PC?" Amos asked, glaring at the growling Randy.

"No! He's part of my team!" answered Leia in a shrill voice.

"Well, your 'team' doesn't act like one with him in it." he heard Hugh mutter under his breath.

They walked past a large building that was a little ways away from the gym. Amos suddenly stopped in front of a sign in front of it.

Ex Team Plasma Base:

If looking for a pokemon stolen from Team Plasma, please check here

"What's this place?" Hugh asked, stopping next to Amos and looking at the building.

"No idea." Amos lied as Leia and Ringdog stopped to.

He remembered the letter that Sky Blue received from the Gardevoir that said a former member of the Seven Sages of Team Plasma wanted to see him. From what Mira said, Sky won't go near the base so he hasn't seen Rood.

Was this the place that Rood lived? Amos wanted to go in and see him, but he didn't want Leia and Hugh with him. He promised White that he wouldn't tell anyone about her secrets.

"I thought we were going to the gym, now come on!" Leia snapped at them. Hugh turned to his sister and said hesitantly "Well, I would like to ask something. Maybe these people know where Harriet's Purrloin is."

"You guys can go ahead!" said Amos at once. "I can ask them about the Purrloin if you'd like!"

He was desperate now. He would do anything to make his cousins go ahead.

"But-" Hugh started, but Leia started pulling him away.

"I don't care who goes, but someone has got to come with me!" snarled Leia, and Ringdog smirked. Randy started squirming again as they walked away. Amos heard Hugh start arguing with Leia as he entered the building.

The building was crowded with people and pokemon. Many were examining pokemon, which they were apparently seeing if this was their pokemon that was stolen from them awhile back. Some children were playing with a small group of pokemon in a corner, while their parents talked to former members of Team Plasma.

"Is there something I can do for you?" a deep voice asked. Amos looked around and saw a elderly man in brown robes watching him.

"I was looking for a man called Rood. Do you know him?" asked Amos.

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